New Short Documentary Explores California’s Cannabis Culture


California’s Cannabis Culture from amanda van west on Vimeo.

Amanda Van West’s Facebook
Amanda Van West: “It’s an exploration of the marijuana scene in California, and I hope it’ll create more dialogue about the issue”

​In November, Californians will vote on the legalization of marijuana for recreational use.

If they approve Prop 19, the Golden State will become the first in the U.S. to take such a major step towards ending cannabis prohibition.

Amanda Van West, a 24-year-old student from California, has just produced a 12-minute documentary, California Cannabis Culture, for her final MA dissertation/project documentary as she finishes her International Broadcast Journalism degree in London.

“It’s an exploration of the marijuana scene in California, and I hope it’ll create more dialogue about the issue, in preparation for our upcoming vote in November,” Amanda told Toke of the Town.

“It’s the story of the people fighting for it, the people fighting against it, the people selling it, the people making it less taboo, and the people who were around when the whole scene started,” Van West said.

“I think a lot of your readers might enjoy seeing something about the scene here,” Van West said, “and I hope it’ll get people thinking/talking about this issue in time for November!” 
