Pot-Dealing Peruvian Women Hide Weed In Their Vuvuzelas


Photo: Brian Currin
No, these aren’t the pot dealers. These women are Coda, and their song is called “Blow Your Vuvuzela.” Head on over to Brian Currin’s blog to download it.

​Peruvian pot dealers have found a cool new use for the vuvuzela, the long, thin plastic horns whose sound has become the backdrop of the soccer World Cup — hiding their marijuana.

Two Peruvian women were arrested in front of a school in capitol city Lima on Tuesday. Police claim the women were trying to sell 100 small bags of cannabis that they had packed into their vuvuzelas, reports Terry Wade for Reuters.
The fame of vuvuzelas has spread virally during this year’s World Cup soccer matches — while, in some quarters, their popularity has dipped. Many find the buzzing blare of the plastic horns to be rather, well, annoying.

The horns have become standard fare at soccer matches and political rallies in Peru and many other countries the world over.

Peru did not qualify for the World Cup, being held in South Africa, but its fans have noisily and enthusiastically followed the games of other South American teams.
