Stoner Photos of the Day: Sunny Sunshine


Photo: Sunshine
Sunshine: “I try to live up to my name by bringing sunshine and happiness to my life and others.” Mission accomplished!

​Man oh man, they really know how to grow ’em in the heartland.

Sunny Sunshine, 23, a 5-foot, 2-1/2-inch firecracker from Oklahoma City, Okla., is beautiful proof of that.
“I try to live up to my name by bringing sunshine and happiness to my life and others,” said Sunny, a student and accountant.
“I’m a junior in college, getting a degree in accounting,” Sunny said. “I’m good with numbers; what can I say? And for anyone who’s seen the movie Grandma’s Boy, it is hard to be an accountant stoned, but that’s what after work is for.”
Turns out Grandma’s Boy is one of Sunny’s favorite movies. It’s also the source of one of her favorite movie quotes: “Does someone have a light? I found this weed. I wanna smoke it.”
“I wouldn’t want to miss out on something amazing because I was too small minded to try,” Sunny said. “I do my best to not judge and hope for the same in return.”
“I can get very passionate about my beliefs,” she says, “but I always try to make sure I know where they are coming from too and try to reach a mutual understanding of ideas.”

Photo: Sunshine

Interesting and cool fact about Sunny: She has a back tattoo of the entire inside cover from Led Zeppelin IV (“the Runes album”). You remember the artwork; it’s the Old Hermit on the Mountain.
Besides tattoos and weed (admittedly a damn good start), ​the beautiful and articulate Sunny also enjoys fishing, hunting, camping, college football, poker, dominoes, going to bars, listening to music, staying in watching movies, writing poetry, playing with her three dogs and three cats (“Yes, it’s a house full,” she says), and voicing her opinions about politics and injustices in the world.
“I want to spread the word that marijuana is not an evil gateway drug that should be stopped,” Sunny said. “I would love to help spread the word about this wonderful plant, travel, do interviews, and photo shoots, all of it.”
“This is an exciting time for marijuana,” Sunny said.
Like what you see? I knooooow…. Me, too!
Vote for Sunny on her Miss High Times page here.

Photo: Sunshine
Photo: Sunshine

Photo: Sunshine

Photo: Sunshine
