Your Dream Job: Denver Pot Reviewer Gets Paid To Get High


Marijuana critic William Breathes at work

​A Denver man gets paid to smoke cannabis and write about it as one of the first professional medical marijuana critics in the country.

Denver’s Westword alternative newspaper has hired the man, who goes by the name “William Breathes,” to review marijuana dispensaries and the quality of the cannabis they sell, reports WBAL TV.
“He has his journalism degree,” said a Westword editor. “He was a good writer, and he could punctuate and he could spell, which was very different than a lot of people who applied for the job.”
Breathes said he has been smoking marijuana for 15 years to ease chronic stomach pains. Now he smokes pot to pay the mortgage.

“Load up a little bit and taste it,” he said as he tested a joint bought at a Denver dispensary. “Try and taste the smoke as it comes out. It has a really woody finish, almost like a mesquite finish to it. After a few hits, try to feel what kind of buzz it is.”
Breathes admits that besides being a paying gig, the job of a marijuana critic can also definitely be fun sometimes. He still can’t get over that he gets paid to take bong hits.
But he also extols the power of marijuana as medicine.
“When I’m battling throwing up, pot really helps me the most,” he said. “It’s truly medical.”
Editor’s Note: William Breathes, besides being a rockin’ marijuana critic, is also one of the best retweeters out there of Toke of the Town stories. Thanks, William! You can follow him on Twitter, here.