Google’s Cooler Than Facebook: Will Run Pot Legalization Ads


Graphic: Just Say Now
Here is one of the pro-legalization ads (including a marijuana leaf!) that Google has agreed to run.

​Facebook may think it’s “inappropriate” to run ads depicting marijuana leaves — despite the fact that the ads were so popular, they got 38 million views — but apparently Google has no problem with them.

Google agreed on Wednesday to run the ads, very similar to the ones nixed by Facebook, and which also contain images of marijuana leaves.
The advertisements are for Just Say Now, the pro-legalization group launched this month by Firedoglake blogger Jane Hamsher along with Students for Sensible Drug Policy (SSDP).

Marijuana activists were outraged at Facebook this week when the social networking site, which had already been running ads from the group, told the organization that it would no longer run them because they contained images of cannabis leaves, reports Chris Good at The Atlantic.

Facebook spokesman Andrew Noyes told Just Say Now that “the image of a pot leaf is classified with all smoking products and therefore is not acceptable under our policies,” in an email obtained by the Huffington Post.
