Libertarian Party Decries Nevada Medical Marijuana Raids


Graphic: Las Vegas City Life

​The Libertarian Party of Clark County, Nevada has issued a statement which says it is “outraged” at the recent medical marijuana raids in the county. “Voters spoke some time ago about this issue and agree that medical marijuana should be legal in our state,” the statement said.

“We support the rights of citizens of Nevada to decide and in conjunction with the Constitution of the United States; we hold emphatically this supersedes any federal law on this matter,” the statement said, according to the Independent Political Report.
“As a reminder, President Obama promised that states’ laws concerning this matter would be respected and that the federal attacks would end,” the statement said. “However, it seems that resources are still being wasted targeting patients and law-abiding Americans.”
“What occurred was nothing less than government-sponsored theft,” the statement said. “The fact that no arrests were made adds to the reasoning that no crimes have been committed. These businesses have been given no answers or reasons for the seizures and the Libertarian Party is stating that these raids are illegal and that the targets are innocent of any wrongdoing.”

The statement decried the involvement of local police officers in the raids.
“We are also questioning Metro’s involvement, as local officers are to enforce the laws of the state they live in first and federal officers alone should have conducted any federal action,” the statement said.
“This is the front line and to accept these actions would be to take a step backward in the unjust War on Drugs,” the statement said. “We call on our lawmakers and other outraged citizens to demand answers from not only our local police, but also those in charge of making these decisions to attack sick people.”
“Surely there are more pressing issues and areas we could spend money on that would keep the public safer than arresting law-abiding people seeking medicine,” the statement said.
“This affront to the laws in this state will not stand or go unchallenged,” the statement said. “The Libertarian Party looks forward to making those responsible held accountable and to making those affected by the illegal actions get the justice they deserve.”
The statement was signed by Libertarians Ed Klapproth, candidate for U.S. Congress, District 1; William Hols, candidate for Assembly 34; Joseph P. Silvestria, candidate for U.S. Congress, District 3; Tim Hagan, candidate for Clark County Commission G; Arthur Forest Lampitt, Jr., candidate for Governor; Sean P. Morse, candidate for Clark County Assessor; Nathan Santucci, candidate for Assembly 22; Wayne Rudolph, candidate for Clark County Public Administrator; and Erin Lale, candidate for Assembly 29.
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