Hempfest May Move To Seattle Center This Year


Photo: The Edge Apartments
Man, that fountain would be a great way to cool off at Seattle Hempfest this August.

​Seattle Hempfest, the world’s largest pro-cannabis annual event, may be held underneath the Space Needle this year.

With the City of Seattle scheduling heavy construction this year in Myrtle Edwards Park, where Hempfest has been held for the past 15 years, the event’s promoters are currently in negotiation for a 20th Anniversary venue upgrade to Seattle Center, according to an internal email sent to supporters, members and VIPs.
“Such a move to the world renowned Seattle Center — home of the 1962 World’s Fair — would be a major step up for the visibility and legitimacy of our event (and movement, sponsors, etc.), and might attract media attention at the national level,” the Seattle Hempfest Membership Committee wrote in the email. (That “media attention at the national level” part just came true.)

“What better way to push our 20th Anniversary message into the mainstream, for a real shot at changing attitudes and policy?”, the email reads.
“The City is open to it, but we’re still negotiating the (heavy) price tag of the Center and its professional staff,” the Hempfest Membership Committee wrote in the email. “We’re a free speech event and can’t afford the commercial rates; but with sponsors and members behind us, we can plant our collective flag up the Space Needle!”
If the move happens, Hempfest 2011 in the Seattle Center will be held on August 6 and 7, according to the email.
If you’d like to join the effort to secure Seattle Center for Hempfest’s 20th Anniversary, members and sponsors are needed, according to the Membership Committee.
“Visit www.hempfest.org to read our pitcy and please pass it on to your contacts,” the Membership Committee wrote.
If you are or know a potential sponsor, or would like to help with that effort, email [email protected].

Photo: NORML Blog
The happy Hempfest crowd could be under the Space Needle at Seattle Center this year, instead of along the waterfront at Myrtle Edwards Park.
