Photo: Mission Local |
San Francisco Assemblyman Tom Ammiano wants to propose an “omnibus cannabis bill” to better oversee California’s booming medical marijuana industry, which the attorney general’s guidelines so far have dictated must be nonprofit.
According to Ammiano, the radically different approaches to dispensaries — which are welcomed in some cities, but raided in others — shows the need for clear, statewide regulations to create a more “cohesive response.”
“Don’t worry, L.A. pot-shop owners,” writes Dennis Romero at LA Weekly. “It sounds like what he wants to do is regulate it as-is — codify its status as a business and forget this nonprofit b.s. Maybe.”
Sacramento marijuana dispensary lawyer George Mull agrees that yes, California should just get rid of the nonprofit clause of its medicinal cannabis law.
Read more at our Village Voice Media sister blog, the LA Weekly.