MI: 2 Years Later, Medical Marijuana Still Has Huge Support


Graphic: Medical Marijuana Blog
A huge majority of Michigan voters still approves the medical marijuana law they passed (by, you guessed it, a huge majority) in 2008.

​Two years after legalizing it statewide, Michigan voters still support the state’s medical marijuana law by almost the same margin by which it was adopted in the 2008 election, according to a new poll.

The poll found that 61 percent of voters said they would vote yes again or would be likely to vote yes. Support for 2008’s Proposal 1, legalizing the possession and use of marijuana for medical reasons, was 62.6 percent statewide, reports Dawson Bell at the Detroit Free Press.
Thirty-seven percent of those surveyed said they would vote no or lean no if the medical marijuana issue was before voters again, also about the same as in 2008.
Only one percent said they were undecided about medical marijuana.
The poll “proves that a strong majority of Michigan voters stand firmly behind the compassionate medical marijuana law they enacted two years ago,” according to a spokeswoman for the Marijuana Policy Project, which helped organize and finance the successful ballot proposal in 2008.

The telephone poll of 600 likely voters, conducted by the Marketing Research Group of Lansing, was conducted January 24-27 and has a margin of error of plus or minus four percentage points.