Medical Marijuana Patient Gets Grow Equipment Back From Cops


Photo: Cannabis Therapy Institute
Attorney Robert J. Corry Jr., left, and patient/caregiver Frank Marzano inside the Fort Collins Police Department requesting the return of Marzano’s marijuana growing equipment

​A Colorado medical marijuana patient and caregiver whose 2007 marijuana cultivation conviction in Loveland was overturned got his confiscated property returned to him on Wednesday.

Frank Marzano, whose cultivation conviction was overturned by the Colorado Court of Appeals last August due to an illegal search, was joined by his attorney, Robert J. Corry Jr., who won the appeal.
Marzano received a truck load of growing equipment, including 19 sets of growing lights and ballasts, three 3-foot filters and fans, a CO2 machine, a trimming machine, and grow light bulbs.

Under the Colorado Constitution’s medical marijuana amendment, approved by voters in 2000, Marzano’s property was not to be harmed or destroyed. However, the police refused to return any of his medicine to him.
In addition, many of Marzano’s grow light bulbs were missing or broken, and in a king-hell demonstration of dickhood, the police had cut off the power cords to all of the electrical equipment that he received.
You can read background legal information about Marzano’s cultivation case on the Cannabis Therapy Institute website.

Photo: Cannabis Therapy Institute
Frank Marzano and his friends, along with Attorney Robert J. Corry, celebrate the return of his growing equipment

Photo: Cannabis Therapy Institute
Some of Frank Marzano’s returned growing equipment
