City To Cops: Stop Arresting For Less Than 40 Grams Of Pot


Photo: AJM Studios

​Prosecutors in Spokane, Washington have ordered the local police department not to arrest anyone caught with less than 40 grams of marijuana.

Prosecutors said there is a problem with both the current city law and the state’s marijuana law — as in, right now, the laws don’t match up, reports
But Spokane Police, apparently unable to follow simple instructions and seemingly reluctant to quit their marijuana bust habit, claim state law gives them a second option.

“We can enforce any kind of state law,” blustered Officer Jen DeRuwe, Spokane Police spokesperson. “Possessing marijuana under 40 grams is still illegal,” said Captain Obvious, I mean Officer DuRuwe.
The Spokane City Council will consider a change to the law this month. It will take 30 days before any new marijuana law goes into effect.
