Photo: Notes from the Psychedelic Salon |
Ethan Nadelmann, DPA: “The War On Drugs is a cancer in our society” |
Ethan Nadelmann, the articulate and engaging executive director of the Drug Policy Alliance, will be a guest on Real Time with Bill Maher on Friday, July 8 at 10 p.m. Eastern and Pacific.
Nadelmann will be interviewed one-on-one by Maher at the top of the show, and will discuss the War On Drugs and the movement to end marijuana prohibition, according to the DPA.
The topic is quite timely, as there was an avalanche of media coverage in June about the failed War On Drugs:
• The Global Commission on Drug Policy (Kofi Annan, the former presidents of Colombia, Mexico, and Brazil, Richard Branson of Virgin, etc.) made worldwide news by calling for an end to the War on Drugs.
• June 17 was the 40th anniversary of President Richard Nixon declaring War On Drugs. This generated yet another wave of coverage denouncing the Drug War.
• On June 22, Reps. Barney Frank and Ron Paul introduced federal legislation to end marijuana prohibition.
Described by Rolling Stone magazine as “the point man” for drug policy reform efforts, Ethan Nadelmann is a prominent proponent of legalization.