Growing Marijuana: Yes, There’s Room For Another Grow Book


Photo: Mobipocket
Tommy McCarthy’s “Growing Marijuana” isn’t just an instruction book — it’s a celebration.

​If you’re entering the increasingly crowded market of marijuana grow books, you’d better be good. There’s a plethora of cultivation guides available, from some of the biggest names in cannabis culture, and if you don’t want to get lost in the crowd you’ve got to shine.

Shine is exactly what outdoorsman Tommy McCarthy does in his book Growing Marijuana: How To Plant, Cultivate, And Harvest Your Own Weed. If I’m going to be taking cultivation advice from someone, I want that they should be as passionate about pot as am I, and McCarthy bountifully proves himself in this delightful book.
“…[P]lants your pot garden produces with seeds culled from a bag of street marijuana may vary noticeably because the plants they came from were of different species and strains,” McCarthy writes. “I actually kind of like this grab bag of mixed greens, because you never know when you’re planting just what will come up — as I stated at the beginning of this book, personal-use growing should be fun.”

McCarthy (a pseudonym) is a self-sufficient outdoorsman who lives off the grid in Michigan and grows his own entertainment. The spirit of fun, of adventure, of delight in the genetic variability of cannabis found in his book — we need more of that in the cultivation world.

Photo: Growing Marijuana
With “Growing Marijuana,” this can be you

​”I love the fragrance of growing marijuana buds, from the startlingly musky aroma of some of the skunkiest saliva to the almost appetiate-inducing smell of ‘bubblegum’ buds, some of which really do smell like Bazooka bubblegum,” McCarthy engagingly writes. “One trait that all of them share at maturity is an ability to get you stoned with just a few tokes.”
“Fragrance probably has little to do with potency — unless you believe that you can smell THC — but I like to separate one or two especially fragrant plants from the rest for special occasions,” McCarthy writes. “During the October-November harvest time I feel kind of like a kid at Christmas, sniffing among the different plants to decide which one I want to smoke first. It’s a great feeling that I recommend for every marijuana grower.”
See what I mean? There’s a lot more happening there than just the technical details of how to cultivate a plant. 
And that’s what makes Growing Marijuana such a great read. If you’re into the culture and horticulture of cannabis, you will absolutely love this book.
The purpose of growing marijuana, of course, is to harvest, dry and smoke the best pot money didn’t have to buy. McCarthy guides his fellow weed lovers through the entire process, from choosing seeds to drying and storing their harvest. Readers even learn how to make a smoking pipe from common household items, and how to roll a world-class joint.
The book begins with a brief introduction to the life cycle of a marijuana plant, and moves on to discuss:
• Supplies and what to consider before you start — seeds, soil and fertilizer
• Nuts and bolts of growing — how to sprout, grow, transplant, and protect your crop
• Completing the growing process — cloning, harvesting and drying
• Enjoying the fruits of your labor — smoking equipment, making hashish, and cooking with cannabis.
Growing Marijuana caters to the small farmer who wants to rear a few prized and pampered plants for his or her own serenity. As you will see from the seed-to-harvest progression photos throughout the book, a few well-tended plants can last you all winter.
Factor in that it has 200 pages with gorgeous color photos on almost every page — and that it’s a steal at only $14.95 for such a lushly produced book — and it’s clear that this book belongs on every serious grower’s shelf.
Stop spending your money on expensive weed and start burning your own Mary Jane!
For more information on the book Growing Marijuana: How To Plant, Cultivate, And Harvest Your Own Weed by Tommy McCarthy, visit Skyhorse Publishing, Inc., at