Cancer Patient’s Medical Marijuana Seized At Airport

This is Checkpoint B at Indianapolis International Airport, where cancer patient Starling Wickes was caught with medical marijuana on Tuesday

​Airport police in Indianapolis will destroy medical marijuana that a 36-year-old breast cancer patient from California tried to bring aboard a flight on Tuesday.

Transportation Security Administration personnel found the cannabis in luggage after it passed through an x-ray machine at Checkpoint B of the Indianapolis International Airport, according to police, reports John Tuohy at the Indy Star.
The marijuana and a black pipe were found inside a pink case, according to police. Screeners searched the bag because the x-ray alarm had sounded.
Starling Wickes, 36, of Van Nuys, California, told the cops she had breast cancer and showed them a medical marijuana card that confirmed her doctor authorized her to use cannabis.
But the officials told Wickes that though it might be OK to possess and smoke medical marijuana in California, they don’t let you do that sort of thing in Indiana.

The marijuana and pipe were seized and will be destroyed, according to the police report. Wickes was not charged.