Protest For Medical Marijuana During Obama’s California Tour


Village Voice Media

The Weed Blog

​Los Angeles, High Noon, Oct. 24

San Francisco, 11:30 a.m., Oct. 25
Advocates will be protesting the federal crackdown on medical marijuana when Obama comes to visit California next Monday and Tuesday, October 24 and 25, according to California NORML.

In Los Angeles, there will be a protest at high noon on Monday, October 24 at the Federal Building downtown, 255 East Temple Street. A press conference will be held with Proposition 215 coauthor Anna Boyce, who will be demanding a meeting with President Obama at the U.S. Attorney’s Office. (The President will be visiting elsewhere in west L.A., but security will make him inaccessible.)
In San Francisco, protesters are urged to gather on Tuesday, October 25 at the northwest corner of 3rd and Mission, near the W Hotel where Obama will be attending a fundraiser lunch. “The lunch starts at 11:30, but be there early so that we can stake out a visible presence amidst a likely crowd of other protesters,” advised CA NORML director Dale Gieringer.

Before the demonstration, a press conference will be held at the Marriott Hotel at 10 a.m. with Assemblyman Tom Ammiano, public officials and spokespersons for the Marin Alliance for Medical Marijuana, Northstone Organics, the Divinity Tree, Medithrive, and other collectives wrongly targeted in the DOJ crackdown.
Next month, on November 9, there will be a statewide protest at the federal courthouse in Sacramento, to mark the 15th anniversary of Prop 215. Supporting demonstrations will be held at the federal buildings in other cities, including Oakland and San Francisco.