The Sky Is Falling! Or, Marijuana Leaf-Shaped Candy Exists.


Kalan LP
Hey man, pass the bag.

​You’d think it was some sort of sugar-coated apocalypse to hear some drama-addicted folks making a brouhaha about the marijuana-shaped candies that are now available.

Never mind the fact that you can’t get high on ’em. Just the very fact that they’re shaped (sort of) like the leaves of that evil cannabis plant is enough to get some (bored? angry? neurotic?) parents all in a lather.
The candy part of the ring is shaped like a marijuana leaf. The packaging shows a joint-smoking, peace sign-shooting hippie type and has the word “Legalize” on it.
The “Ring Pots Pot Shaped Ring Candy” and “Pothead Lollipops” are distributed to retail stores by novelty supply company Kalan LP, based in a Philadelphia suburb named Lansdowne, reports Amanda St. Amand of the St. Louis Post-Disptach.

The candy also wholesales online for $1 for Pothead Lollipops, $1.50 for a package of three Pothead Ring Pots, or $2 for a bag of 15 Pothead Sour Gummy Candies, which say “Hey man pass the bag!” on the bag. Be aware that the cheapest shipping available, UPS Ground, is $12.28 even for the smallest order.

Kalan LP
It’s OK — they have “No Fat!”

​The candy’s been on the market from six to nine months, according to company president Andrew Kalan, and it’s available in 1,000 stores around the U.S.
Kalan said the candy, which promotes marijuana legalization, “does pretty well” in sales, and he’s had very few complaints.
“This is the first complaint I’ve heard, and people are usually not shy,” Kalan said, reports the Associated Press. “I’m actually surprised this is the first.”
Anti-drug zealots claim the product could “encourage” young people to “use drugs.” Yeah, maybe they just couldn’t make their minds up until they saw a piece of candy shaped like a pot leaf, and then it all became clear to them: I MUST SMOKE DOPE.
Darius Pridgen, a stuffy city council member in Buffalo, New York, called it “ignorant and irresponsible” to sell candy that depicts illegal substances.
“We’re already dealing with a high amount of drug abuse and drug activity and trying to raise children so they don’t think using illegal substances is acceptable,” whined Pridgen. “So to have a licensed store sell candy to kids that depicts an illegal substance is just ignorant and irresponsible.”
“It’s the whole idea that it promotes drugs and the idea that, here, you’ll look cool if you use this — which is what gets these kids in trouble in the very first place,” said Jodie Altman, program supervisor at Renaissance House, one of those expense but frequently failing “treatment centers” for “drug and alcohol addicted youth.”