Dispensary Break-In Foiled: Would-Be Robbers Leave Weedless


Yahoo! Local
Nature’s Way, a medical marijuana dispensary in Colorado Springs, had an attempted robbery by two men Saturday night. The would-be robbers left empty handed.

​Two would-be robbers were foiled Saturday night at a Colorado Springs medical marijuana dispensary when the cops arrived faster than expected.

The employees at Nature’s Way said two men broke into their store by going into the coin laundry next door, then using their bathroom to gain access to the dispensary’s ceiling, reports Catherine Bilkey at KKTV. From there the would-be robbers were able to climb over the tiles and break into Nature’s Way.
But that’s about all that went according to plan for the two bumbling crooks.
“It was almost like a movie scene,” said Nature’s Way employee Mark Cebula. “The alarms are going off; because that alarm is pretty loud … they must have started panicking.”
Most of the cannabis at the dispensary is locked up in a safe at night, so Cebula believes the frustrated pot-rustlers tried to leave through the front door, but probably saw the cops pulling up. With locked doors all around, they were stuck in the lobby.

Mark Cebula, Nature’s Way: “It was almost like a movie scene”

​”So they scurried back up into the ceiling in the first took to drop into this room,” Cebula said from the dispensary’s supply room. From there they got out the back door.
While they escaped without being arrested, they also didn’t get any weed. “They didn’t take anything; nothing was missing,” Cebula said.
Dispensary employés praised the quick response from police, and said they were thankful for their good security system. They report that there won’t be any way to get into the dispensary from the ceiling after this, and they also replaced the back door with anyone one that will prevent a similar escape in the future.
“The police did a good job getting there honestly and thanks to the new regulations by the Medical Marijuana Enforcement division the medicine stayed in the right hands,” commented Matt Moorman of Nature’s Way. “We are very proud of our security and will continue to provide our patients with the highest quality medication and make safety our #1 priority for years to come.
“We are now adding more cameras to make this the most secure facility in Colorado Springs,” Moorman said.
Owners of the coin laundry next door reported some damage from the break-in; the crooks broke their sink and a door.
