Exclusive Interview: Aaron Evans of The Green Brothers


Aaron Evans
Aaron Evans of The Green Brothers got a chance to sit down with Toke of the Town’s Becky Bonghits Fogarty for a good, long, in-depth talk about weed and life and music.

By Becky Bonghits Fogarty
Toke of the Town
Michigan Correspondent
Aaron Evans, founder of The Green Brothers and Dove Ink Records, is a powerful force in the legalization of marijuana as well as a constant workhorse striving to affect positive change in our world in every way he can. As an activist and artist he stands on the front lines against the twisted laws of the government, fighting daily to end the prohibition of marijuana.
Since beginning his battle, Aaron has been featured in NUG, Skunk, High Times and countless other publications in print and online. As an author/emcee, producer, designer, photojournalist, and marijuana activist, Aaron Evans, aka Claude 9 aka Eyamme, is a unique entity within the culture, carving his own lane and blazing trails along the way.
Originally from Columbus, Ohio, Aaron is currently based in San Diego, with a fan base that spans the entire globe. With a blend of free flowing, lyrical, and musical talent Aaron’s artistic styling can be described as THC-infused funk, hip hop, jazz, and soul.
You can find out more about Aaron and his eclectic talents at www.aaronevansimagination.com.

B.B.: How old were you when you first decided to create music and poetry? 
A.E.: Well, I guess to kick off the interview I should say that most EVERYTHING in my life, both past and present revolves around the influence, love, and guiding light of my F.A.M. (Family Always Matters). So it should come as no surprise that thats where this interview will begin and end. Family.

​My father worked at inner city recreational centers for the Columbus Parks Department while I was growing up, so I would just go kick it with him all day long jumping back and forth between art and sports. It really gave me a unique balance and perspective. I’d go play soccer for an hour, then go to pottery class, then floor hockey or football, then dance or painting, and so on and so forth.
It hasn’t been until recently that I saw just how much that upbringing molded me on so many levels. I still to this day see that balance in my life. I just relocated to a spot three blocks from the ocean, so I get up and do yoga almost every morning on the beach, then come home and write or do design, then I’ll go for a walk, or a bike ride, or practice my set.
My stage show is very labor intensive. Performing is almost an out of body experience for me and If I didn’t take care of myself physically I would never make it through a set.
Looking back I treasure those moments with my father. I was really lucky to get to spend that much time with him, many children don’t get that blessing. I really credit that period of my life as the first building blocks to being the eclectic, diverse person I am now.
He and I have always had a very hot and cold relationship, but I certainly wouldn’t be the man I am right now, doing this interview, working to better the world if it wasn’t for his energy in my life.
Still I gravitated more toward being an athlete than an artist until I was 15. It wasn’t really “cool” to be an artist in my neighborhood growing up, but midway through high school that all started to change or at least I didn’t care about being “cool” anymore.

​Around this same time was when one of my best friends robbed my house as initiation to join the local Crip set [gang]. I used the insurance money to buy my first set of turntables. That was a pivotal axis in my life. I went from glorifying street life, chasing money, disrespecting women, and being a jock, to drawing graffiti, scratching/mixing records and just diving into the Hip Hop culture.
Oh, and truth told that period is when I first got introduced to the special green lady we all love so much. I’m not sure why, but one of weed’s many beauties is some sort of direct correlation to art. I don’t think you have to smoke to be a great artist, but for many people it opens up new views of our world.
So yeah…. to some point art has always been part of my life but it was around 15-16 that I decided to pursue and study it vigorously.
B.B.: What do you want people to get out of your music?
A.E. – In a word: Free!
I have a line on The Green Brothers’ underground anthem “I Get Lifted” that says “Lifted, like Bob used to say, the moment it hits, the pain goes away” and that’s just a play on an old Bob Marley line “The one good thing about music, when it hits you, you feel no pain.”
Music is meant to emancipate you from your emotional shackles and at its best should be something liken to a spiritual experience for everyone involved.

​Like I said I get free on stage and at a truly great show I think it should be that way for everyone in attendance. The crowd, the performer, the sound man, the homeless dude listening from the alley out back.
After all, that’s music’s true origins. Tribal chants, stories of the spirits, praying for rain, mourning a loss, or praising a new day.
I just make music the way I feel. Genuine music has always been made from the heart. My aim is to capture something inside me that I can send straight from my heart to yours, and ultimately sets us both free.
That’s why I make such a broad base of songs and have gone through several monikers over the years. For every emotion I believe there is literally a sonic vibration and rhythmic pattern that can set each of us free. In the beginning of music you didn’t even need words, it was just about the passion, tone and timing of the chant. Some vibrations and patters are more universal than others and therefore tend to resonate farther or I guess, to say, reach more people.
Yet, in today’s world the content and context of what you say is far more important. As language has evolved, so has the demand for our songs to evolve. Therefore I believe that it’s the artist’s job to constantly push the creative envelope, while keeping in mind to stay cognitive to the listener while paying homage to those aforementioned universal vibrations.
An artist must be self aware enough of their own soul as to share a real piece of themselves with the world. So yeah, I just want to help others with my music the way music has helped me. Lord knows music has saved my life far more than once and when I get an email from a fan saying I’ve done that for them. My heart soars.
B.B.: Who or what has been a major influence/inspiration on your music and creativity?
A.E.: Now that’s a complex question for someone like me. I draw from so many angles that it’s hard to pin point. I’ll do my best to narrow it down.
Like I said, it always comes back around to F.A.M. in its many incarnations. Although my father played an instrumental role in introducing me to creative outlets, not much of my influence comes from my immediate famil
y. That’s more where the extended F.A.M. comes in.

​I’ve always said I have felt very blessed to have been surrounded by, and have come up in the artistic movement I did. For the last 15 years or so my hometown of Columbus, Ohio has been a breeding ground for new talent and to an extent I’m simply a product of my environment.
Since I was a teenager I watched people like RJD2, Copywrite, Blueprint, J. Rawls, Camu (R.I.P.), DJ Przm (R.I.P), and many others ascend to underground hip hop’s highest thrones and beyond. Not to mention the phenomenal artist in other genres that constantly reset the bar.
Graffiti cats like Cas, Jek, Core, Metro, and Faus who (God bless my parents’ hearts) started doing murals in my bedroom when I was 15. Dance troops like Anna and The Annadroids who always tested the boxes limits. Tattoo clans like the Evolved F.A.M. pushed my boundaries. (And I don’t have a drop of ink on my body, but hey. Art is art.)
Even stuff that wasn’t my cup of tea back home still only helped me to grow. I believe as an artist it’s equally important to understand why you don’t like something as it is to understand why you love something. Too often people just say, “I don’t like that” and move on, but there’s always a chance to learn. It’s like looking at the negative space of life to me.
Then there’s Dove Ink, the label I started 10 years ago with Jawhar Glass and Bobby Sehgal. Jawhar (a.k.a. Illogic) has always been not just a musical partner and friend, but also as a sparring mate and constant reminder to keep reaching for the stars. Bobby showed me that at any point in life, it’s fine to flip the script, pick up a new medium, and run with it. Davu is one of the most amazing poets/vocalist I’ve ever met, period.
Ill Poetic, Periphery, Racecar, Michel Webster, Donnie Mossman, DJ Bern One, DJ Ginsu the list goes on and on. Each of them are brilliant to me in their own right and played major roles in my growth and development, not only as an artist but as a person.
Nowadays Dove Ink Records is focused solely on my career, but I’ll always consider each and every one of them to be F.A.M. I’m launching Dove Ink Entertainment next year as a review site so I can still help spread the word not only about past Dove Ink F.A.M. but also any and every artist that I feel deserves more recognition for their craft.
Like I said, I like to think I’m a pretty eclectic person and that reflects in my taste. Everything from Brother Ali, Savador Dali, Bansky, Basquata, The Beat Poets, Jimi Hendrix and Bob Marley, to Khalil Gibran, Miles Davis, Joni Mitchell, George Carlin, and MamaKind (AND EVERYTHING in between).
Recently I’ve been getting to cover a lot of the world’s top glass blowers in Perpetual Motion, my monthly article in NUG Magazine. I have to give a shout out to J.A.G., JOP, CREEP, RYNO, MAXIMUS and SOKOL, those dudes have really been fueling me up as of late. Oh and I can’t leave out my new Cali F.A.M. Of course I have to shout out to NUG Magazine again. They’ve really helped me re-build and flourish here in So Cal in such a short time.
Gill Sotu, Nathan Say, and the Train of Thought crew. 2012 Dynasty, Mr. Ridley, Kaus & Craze, Dj Deprave, Chad Parker, Ganzo Bean, once again, I could go on for days.
Also all the women I’ve loved over the years. I’m absolutely a relationship kinda guy so each lady has played a key role in my progression. Really I garnish inspiration and influence from everything in life.
True art is the manifestation of genuine emotion and my crazy ass has more than enough madness to keep pumping out artwork for years to come.

Aaron Evans
“Nug Trick” by Aaron Evans

B.B.: What are some of your views on the legalization of medical marijuana and recreational?
A.E.: Well to some extent my views on this are a bit redundant at this point in time, but then again, I did have to watch Prop 19 fail last fall here in California AND currently have a front row seat to the attack on the medical culture, happening right this very moment.
All in all, I’ve made my stance abundantly clear. I’m for it. All of it. With a 50-foot-high exclamation point next to the word HEMP! I mean really? We’re on the cusp of 2012 and we’re still dealing with this bullshit?!
I was hoping to tip this domino last year, work on refining the formula in the future, and move on to bigger issues. So instead of writing too much about the overall general picture I’ve decided to sum it up in one poetic sentence. Asinine, Archaic, Fabricated, Mindless, Bullshit! It’s Bullshit. Bullshit I tell you.
Here, let me say it one more time, just in case even one soul out there didn’t hear me. 
The Federal Government’s war on MARIJUANA AND HEMP….. IS… BULLSHIT

The Higher Plane
The Green Brothers

​BOTTOM LINE! I’m not going to tell you all for the 15 millionth time about the 15 million ways Hemp and Marijuana can help save the earth. If you’re not hip to the arguments please educate yourself. I’m a logic based person and it’s a very clear, logical argument. I’m more than confident the average human being can comprehend this argument once properly educated, and it is imperative to our future that we do so and win this battle. It will be the battle that decides on which side the
war is won.
Our country and world are very rapidly approaching a head on collision. An apex. Our collective existence on the face of this beautiful planet depends on US using our collective voice. Even as I write, this legislation (that I don’t even fully understand) gives me a fear in my heart that my very own door may be knocked upon for writing these words of rebellion.
New precedents are being set and I tell you people, looking at where the pieces are on the chess board right now, we are in a very very very scary point in man “kind”s history. That said. Personally, I’ve been taking a little break from weed lately, I’d say I’ve cut down about 75 percent over the last month.
The main reason I bring this up is because I’ve always believed that it’s important to keep yourself grounded and that means taking your head out of the sky every once and a while. I love getting lifted, don’t get me wrong. BUT I’m seeing life in quite a different light as of late and I have really been enjoying my break.
I’ve probably smoked at least four to eight times a day for the last 10 years. Now I’ve been puffing once or twice a day. I’m not really sure where this path is going to lead me, but I do know even if I ended up stopping smoking I would still stand in favor of the legalization of this amazing plant. More or less The Green Brothers are growing up.
I’m going to still release one more lighthearted album in the vaults “Free Green” next 4.20, but after that I want to make an album called Master Your High. I can tell you that will be The Green Brothers’ Bitches Brew or Dark Side Of The Moon if you will.
I’m going to get deep with it. Really dive into what it means to “master your high” on every level. 
B.B.: What or who inspires you to be a medical marijuana activist?
A.E.: I never wanted to be a marijuana activist; it just kinda happened.
In fact, I quit smoking weed for almost three years when I started growing my locks. I can tell you with certainty this man who stands before you, certainly didn’t think he’d end up being one of the poster children for the movement.

Aaron Evans: “I guess it all had to do with music and art”

​I guess it all had to do with music and art. As I stated, smoking has always helped me get more free with my creative expression. My first true act of “activism” would have been when Illogic and I headlined Ohio State University’s Hempfest in like ’04 or ’05. It just naturally and organically grew from there.
I met Racecar, the other original Green Brother, on tour. After we got off the road we bought him a bus ticket to Colmubus and went and sat down in the lab where we discovered that the three things that we had in common were a love of making music, getting lifted, and a general desire to put something positive into the world. So we made Everybody’s Green, our debut album, and it just caught on fire.
Next thing you know, I’m in magazines, doing interviews, touring the country and becoming this figure in the culture. But I didn’t want to be seen only as an artist. If I was going to make songs about legalizing weed than I needed to be active in the community helping to make that a reality.
Flash forward to last year and there I was, on the cover of NUG, front and center, bull horn in hand, helping lead the Prop 19 rally here in San Diego. So I feel I’ve played my part.
That doesn’t mean I’m done. It just means I know I’m on the right path. There’s obviously still a LOT of work to do. As far as what keeps me going? Well, I’m a believer in trying to make the world a better place in any way I can. Be it smiling more often at strangers or fighting on the front lines of important issues our world is facing, I feel a internal moral obligation to try and help.
It’s just like my answer about music above. I’ve been helped by so many people in life, that I can only hope to give back a fraction of the gifts they’ve bestowed upon me. My F.A.M. has been very generous, very generous indeed. This is the least I can do. 
B.B.: What is your favorite song about weed?
A.E.: I think “I Get Lifted” is my favorite weed song that I’ve ever been a part of, and honestly I’d put it in my top 10 weed songs ever made. I know that sounds cocky but you have to have a little swag, and if you don’t believe in your self then how can you expect anyone else to.

Venues Today
B Real of Cypress Hill, an early inspiration for Aaron Evans

​I’ve always liked Bob Marley, Devin The Dude, early Dr. Dre and the first time I got high I listened to Cypress Hill for like four hours on repeat so they’ll always be up there. Ohhh and Willie Nelson. Can’t forget Willie; my father would never forgive me.
Outside of that I like a lot of old jazz and soul tracks. Like “Reefer Man” by Cab Calloway and The original “When I Get Low, I Get High” by Ella Fitzgerald. (Check out The Green Brothers remix on my website.)
But really, I don’t listen to much weed music. I think it has its time and place, but in my opinion there are to many groups out there using the weed theme as a crutch for making bad music. Yeah I said it. you know who you are. Your pimping out the culture and relying on weed to mask your undeveloped, weak ass, BAD MUSIC. I don’t need to name names, If the shoe fits, wear it. Up your game, that’s all I’m saying.
Then again that’s why I don’t just make weed music, its not the end all be all of my existence. I make a lot of non-weed art/music and catch a lot of shine from that lane also so it’s not like I have my dreams hooked to only one shooting star. That’s just not my style. I’ve got my dreams hooked in about 10 shooting stars and the plan is to ride them all off into the the heavens.
If you like Green Brothers Music you’ll like F.A.M. my debut solo album as a vocalist. It’s the same damn thing. Good music.
That’s what Aaron Evans, Dove Ink, Green Brothers, Claude 9, Eyamme, or whatever moniker you know me as, is all about, making not just good music, but great music. Music that touches the soul and lifts the spirits. I just listen to good music.
If it happens to be about weed, cool, but when I’m listening to music, especially when I’m high and dialed in to the groove. I’m way more concerned with if it’s a good song, than I am about if it’s about weed. It’s not like I can plug in my headphone to a big nug and get high through my ears. Someone should invent that. That would impress me.

Stoner Forums
Yoda O.G. is Evans’ favorite strain of the moment

B.B.: What are some of your favorite strains?
A.E.: I stick to the highest grade O.G. I can find. I think Yoda O.G. is the flavor this week. I also like Pure Jack, Northern Lights and Kush but that’s about it at this point.
I moved out to the West Coast so I could figure out what strains worked best for me and then just stuck to those. That’s exactly what I’ve done. I probably tried 200 stains in the first 6 months I was here and then narrowed it down. If you’ve smoked it, chances are, so have I.
Being a Green Brother comes with some great perks and one of them is that people always want me to check out there best stuff. Not that new strains aren’t being introduced everyday but from coast to coast I’ve got lifted with just about every type of smoker you could imagine. There truly is a reason we say “Everybody’s Green.”
Still, I never keep more then half an ounce at my house at any one time. There’s just no need to. I’m a medical cardholder (for several very real ailments) so I can grab something just about anytime I want. It takes a lot of stress out of the equation.
But like I said, shit is getting wild here in Cali. In San Diego alone we’ve had I would guess around 100 shops close. That’s more than half. and I’m being conservative. Once again I can’t see the logic behind shunning America’s largest cash crop, forcing it back in to the streets and letting gangs and cartels run the industry.
I’ve always been into Taoism and I like to look at things from a simple perspective as much as I can. That simply doesn’t add up. So really I guess my favorite strain, is any strain I’m smoking in a world that doesn’t persecute and prosecute me and my culture for our choice of medication and relaxation. I haven’t smoked that strain yet but I can’t wait to and I feel like we’re drawing closer to that glorious day.
The federal government is tossing up hail marys at this point. They know they don’t have a prayer to win the game, there just trying to save face. 
B.B.: What is your favorite way to smoke weed?
A.E.: I’m a glass man 99 percent of the time. Every so often I like a nice joint but I’m absolutely amazed with the creations the artisans in the American Glass Blowing culture are producing currently. Plus I just like that pure taste of weed and weed alone.
As I mentioned above, I’ve been blessed enough to be given the opportunity to start covering the glass community in an ongoing piece called Perpetual Motion. It’s really taken off and I’ve got to cover some of the best artist in the world in the first six months. I think the possibilities are limitless for this column and I’m already plotting some big plans for the future. If you want to read more on my thoughts about the glass landscape you can keep up with them at www.nugmag.com or my website www.aaronevansimagination.com.
The other one percent of the time I’ll smoke on a big old nug. No papers, no wraps, just pure natural bliss.
I can’t really describe it without picture or video but that’s why I tied it into the “I Get Lifted” video. You can check it out on our Youtube page by clicking here: http://youtu.be/qSyafj8N6Dc 
B.B.: If you could toke with anyone dead or alive who would it be?
A.E.: I would smoke with my friend E who passed away last year at far to young an age. The Green Brothers have a song on our YouTube page call “Keep Rocking” that we made for him after he passed to the other side.
But yeah, it kinda sucked. I didn’t get a chance to say goodbye before I left for Cali and then he was gone. I think thats the worst part about living so far away from home. If something happens I’m just so far away and I don’t always have the funds to just jump on a plane. I really miss that dude. He was absolutely a Green Brother and will never be forgotten.

Democratic Underground

​If I could smoke with any historical figure it would be Jesus. I’ve always had a really big problem with organized religion but Jesus or at least the character of Jesus (I don’t really care to have the argument about whether he existed or not… I care more to look at the story behind the man, that’s what I try to measure) has always played a major role in my life and how I choose to live it. Simply put. I believe Jesus was a selfless man who spent his entire life trying to make the world a better place. That’s always seemed like a pretty good role model, to follow, to me.
Live as selfless as you can and shine as much light into the darkness and possible. I’m certainly far from a perfect man, but I’m really entering a period of renewal and remembering my roots is important. I’m not only revisiting my spiritual roots with Jesus though.
It’s also Taoism, Native American Spirituality, Yoga and physical health. Less smoking, like I said I want to “master my high”. I want to tap into and be able to visit that place at anytime, even when I’m not puffing. 
B.B.: What’s next for Aaron Evans and The Green Brothers?
A.E.: I’m not going to lie or make any apologies for the fact that I’m looking to have my biggest year ever as an artist in 2012. I’ve been putting out music for 10 years now and I can’t even begin to explain how excited I am to be finally launching my solo career.
It’s something I always knew would come when the moment was right and the stars are aligning. I’ve always wanted to use my voice, words and gifts as a tool to touch the world and It seems like the world’s opening up and being more and more receptive to what I have to share. Almost as if it’s calling for it.
We need more light in all this darkness. I don’t think I can illuminate the room alone, but I think I can offer my own unique glow. This feeling is incredibly humbling and empowering at the same time.
Therefore I’ve really been working to reinvent myself and be reborn into a new era of my life. I’m looking to turn over a lot of leaves. Letting go of anger, insecurity, and other demons that have haunted me far to long. At the same time, I’m looking introspectively and reinforcing my true convictions.
It’s time people got to see the whole picture my life has painted and F.A.M. (Family Always Matters) is the beginning of this process. The origins of my story.
Three years ago when I decided to try my hand at emceeing the only place I could think to start was my family. If music has saved my life a million times, then my family has saved my life a billion times. Without my parents, brother, aunt’s and uncles, cousins, grandparents, friends, music partners, past love’s, current love, pets, co-workers, fans, and about a million other people I literally wouldn’t have breath left in my chest.
I think this truth is a universal characteristic we all can understand. In one incarnation or another F.A.M. is the pillars on which each of us stand.
This album shares stories about me and my family’s past but also messages about the future I’m trying to manifest of all of us. (the key word being US!) Yet artistically, I did everything on this album. The beats, the rhymes, the recording, the mixing, the design, all of it. It has a lot of my signature jazzy funk hip hop history in it’s production but I also push some different boundaries I’ve never really pushed before. Or at least more than anything I’ve ever released.
The album has three movements and the first two are upbeat and uplifting but in the last movement I show the world where some of my darkness has been bred. I’ve been through some crazy shit in my life and I talked about that craziness in an overview in Green Brothers material, and how weed has helped me battle those demons but I’ve never gone into details like this before.
Don’t get me wrong. It’s not overly dark, but it gets pretty real. The world is about to see the other side of being green and I hope it connects with people the way its been connecting with them live as I’ve tested it out here in So Cal.
I plan to drop it on my birthday, May 5th and you’ll be seeing a flood of material leading into and following this record. Like I said I have a Green Brothers EP “Free Green” slated for 4.20 that I’ll be giving away. It’s more in the lane of our first album and just kinda fills in holes in the adventure of The Green Brothers and my moniker Claude 9. Just some jazz fun poking a stick at prohibition once again.
Then I have some Cali bangers sitting in the vault with Mr. Ridley, my crew mate in 2012 Dynasty, that are just nasty. I plan to release some of these as singles throughout the year with “Eye of the Tiger” and “What Ever Happened to ya Huckleberry Finn?” being two of my favorites.
I also think some of Illogic’s and my 40 or so unreleased songs are going to see the light of day after seven years. And plenty more. I’m working with a new video guy, Nathaniel Elegino, who’s been super on point and professional and I hope we accomplish our goal of getting out 3 to 5 videos in the next 6 to 9 months.
Like I said I really plan to flood the market. With 100 or so compositions lined up and ready to fire I feel ready to set the world ablaze. I’m going to scream into the wind and call my new world into existence. I’m ready to roar. 
B.B.: Please tell us about the single “I’ve Been Blessed” you’ve just released. 
A.E.: So like I said, I’ve battled some serious demons. During one of these periods of darkness I called a friend “Lefty” and he told me to grab my pen and write down everything in my life I was thankful for and blessed by.
Several hours later after many tears, several bowls, and some serious soul searching I had a list of about 200 things. As I read over it I knew I needed to turn this list into a song as to remind myself and share with others why I was so blessed.
I think moving into 2012 it’s really important we all remember our blessings. Things may get worse before they get better in our crazy world and our ability to stay focused on our blessing will be our compass and guiding light. I use this song as my set closer and the last line is “I get blessed the best when the crowd gets hype” and every time I perform it I feel that spiritual experience I made reference to before and I think others do to. Content wise it might be my favorite thing I’ve ever written and I once again just feels right as the first step into this new era.
This is one of the songs I’m working on a video for and it should be released in the next 4 to 6 weeks so be sure to keep an eye open for that also. As a thank you to My, The Green Brothers, Dove Ink, and T.O.T. fans I’ll have this track available for free on my website till the album drops. I really hope everyone that reads this checks it out. That would be a blessing for sure. 
B.B.: Any shoutouts?
A.E.: You know I’ve talked a lot about F.A.M. and I could go on about each of them forever but on a closing note I need to highlight a few special people in my life I haven’t talked about yet.
The first being my mother, Diane. She is one of my best friends and her willingness to always support me has been unbelievable. Her and my father have been in the front row more times than I think any other parents in the history of Hip Hop and I can’t put into words a way to say thank you. (So instead I made a whole album.) Her only flaw may be that she’s perhaps too loving of our world but if thats your biggest flaw then you might be an angel.
Second I would like to send infinite love to My Grandma B. At 93 she’s still just a tank and so inspiring with her endless light. I have a song on the album called “The Rock” that’s about her. I’m constantly amazed by this woman. She’s outlived 3 husbands, has great grandchildren in there 20’s, lived on her own until 6 months ago and is still one of the most alert, in the ballgame, always ready with solid advice people you could ever meet. She’s given me more than I deserve and has kept my dreams alive many times when it seemed that the light was burning out once and for all.
Once again. I’ve been blessed, I can’t say it too many times. I also want to mention My Grandma Hohwald. She’s in hospice right now and I might not get to see her again. I just want the world to know how special she’s been to me also. She’s definitely one of the extended family members that helped me find my eccentric artistic side. She’d play piano around the holidays and we’d all sing out of key. That’s been on my mind quite a bit as of late.
Next I’d like to send love to my oldest and closest friend in the world Jordan Hanhilammi. I’ve literally known Jordan since the day he was born and he’s been the most incredible, caring, fun, and understanding friend anyone could ever ask for. We’ve never gotten to make art together and I’m really hoping that happens soon. He’s got a lighthouse inside him that the world has yet to see and his time to shine is on the horizon.

Becky Bonghits Fogarty
Toke of the Town’s ace reporter Becky Bonghits Fogarty conducted this interview

​Last I want to thank my girlfriend Shelby. She’s been a huge catalyst not only in my current change but also my continous growth over the last 2-1/2 years. I don’t think I would have made it out to Cali without her and I would have sunk long ago if not for her contributions to my dreams. We’re both pretty damn crazy, but I think we’re the same breed of crazy and we love each other deeply, so I’m hoping I’ve found the woman I’m meant to spend my life with. Her talents are endless as both a dancer and yoga instructor and I think she also has her brightest days ahead of her. We’re still figuring out this puzzle called life but I feel like we have the edges done (which is the hard part) and now we can start to have some fun and fill in the middle.
Outside of that I’d like to thank Toke of The Town for conducting this interview with me (Becky Bonghits & Steve Elliott you rock, KEEP UP THE GOOD FIGHT!) and all my many fans and supporters. I hope I can make you proud, I’m pushing the chips all in and playing this next hand 110 percent. With your help and a little luck I just know the flop’s coming my way.
Make sure to shoot over to my site www.aaronevansimagination.com and pick up your FREE copy of “I’ve Been Blessed” today. 
Master your High… Be Ez and Shine!
Author’s note: Becky Bonghits wishes to thank Christopher Gossett for all his editing, proofreading, and herbal help.
