Snoop Dogg Busted For Weed In Texas


Mad Hot Hip Hop
Snoop spoke up for Willie after that star’s Texas bust; now those same Texans popped Snopp, too.

​Music legend Snoop Dogg was reportedly arrested in Texas this weekend for possession of marijuana.

According to celebrity website TMZ, the rapper got busted after a drug-sniffing dog detected marijuana on his tour bus! What a shocker, eh?
Snoop’s bus was stopped at a border patrol checkpoint in Sierra Blanca. Does that sound familiar? Well, that could be because it’s the same town that busted Willie Nelson back in 2010.

What’s up with these Sierra Blanca hayseeds? Why do they hate music and America??
After Willie’s bust in 2010, Snoop had come to the country star’s defense, saying “They better leave Willie the fuck alone.” It doesn’t take much imagination to picture the Sierra Blanca outpost of the Border Patrol just waiting for the day when Snoop passed through…

The Border Patrol supposedly ran a “standard inspection” of the tour bus after the dog claimed there was weed inside. The cannabis was located in a trash can in the back of the bus.

The federal agents claimed they found a red prescription bottle containing Snoop’s medicine; it was reportedly under half an ounce.
While Snoop has a doctor’s authorization to use cannabis medicinally in California, they don’t cotton to that there wacky weed in Texas, so he was cited for misdemeanor drug possession.
If convicted, the rapper could face up to six months in the county jail.
Snoop has quite a rap sheet when it comes to cannabis. He was busted in 1998, in 2001, twice in 2006, and again in 2007, among various other arrests, reports Christina Everett at the New York Daily News.
Below, Snoop comes to Willie Nelson’s defense after the country star’s 2010 bust.
“He’s out of jail and back smoking right now,” Snoop said of Willie back then.
No doubt the same is true of Snoop at this very moment.

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