National Cannabis Industry Association |
NCIA representative to appear at launch of weGrow store as the District awards cultivation licenses
The District of Columbia’s Department of Health is scheduled on Friday, March 30 to award up to 10 licenses to entities to cultivate medical marijuana under the District’s medical marijuana laws. More than 13 years after the November 1998 approval of medical marijuana by D.C. voters, patients are nearing the day when they will be able to safely acquire the medicine they need to alleviate their pain and suffering.
For its part, the District of Columbia will join other states like New Mexico, Maine and Colorado in implementing laws and regulations that control the production and sale of medical marijuana and place it in the hands of legitimate, taxpaying businesses.
National Cannabis Industry Association |
The National Cannabis Industry Association, the nation’s only trade group representing cannabis-related businesses across the country, is celebrating this long overdue development.
“The National Cannabis Industry Association is excited that we are finally on the verge of having legitimate medical marijuana providers in the nation’s capitol,” said Steve Fox, NCIA’s director of public affairs. “With cultivation centers, dispensaries and ancillary businesses opening up, federal officials in Washington will be able to see the benefits of having medical marijuana sold by taxpaying, regulated businesses.
”These businesses will create good jobs and generate tax revenue, a welcomed alternative to the unregulated, untaxed underground market,” Fox said. “So this is not only good news for patients, but also good news for the District’s economy.”
Coinciding with this important milestone, weGrow, the nationally-known hydroponics superstore, will be opening its doors for business in the District. NCIA’s Steve Fox, will provide remarks at a press conference to mark the occasion and will be available for comment immediately thereafter.
WHAT: weGrow’s Grand Opening Celebration and Press Conference
WHEN: Friday, March 30 at 1:30 pm
WHERE: 1522 Rhode Island Ave, NE, Washington, DC
The mission of the National Cannabis Industry Association is to promote the growth of a responsible and legitimate cannabis industry and working for a favorable social, economic and legal environment for that industry in the United States. For more information, visit