Marijuana Billboards Go Up In Florida


The Silver Tour
This is one of two different billboards that will go up in Florida as part of a three-prong plan to push for the passage of medical marijuana in the state.

Medical marijuana will hit the road in Florida at 3 p.m. Tuesday afternoon. That’s when two 48-foot billboards urging passage of medical marijuana for Floridians will be unveiled. Strategically placed on Pompano, Florida’s busiest thoroughfare, Sample Road, these signs carry a potent message.

The giant billboards are sponsored by The Silver Tour, a nonprofit organization dedicated to educating senior voters about medical marijuana. The Silver Tour’s founder and director of NORML of Florida, Robert Platshorn, is the man who convinced Lake Worth Rep. Jeff Clemens to file Florida’s first bill for medical marijuana in the state capitol, Tallahassee.
The billboards are part of a three-prong plan to push for the passage of medical marijuana in Florida, according to Platshorn.
Robert Platshorn, America’s longest-serving marijuana offender (30 years), educates seniors on the benefits of medical marijuana on The Silver Tour

​The Silver Tour has been doing live shows at senior communities and reform Temples in South Florida. The shows feature doctors, nurses, patients, lawyers and politicians who support the legalization of medicinal cannabis.
A recent show in Boynton Beach at Temple Shaarei Shalom was featured in the local press, TV stations, on CNN, and streamed live around the world.
Platshorn, known to older South Floridians as the leader of the Black Tunas, spent 30 years in federal prison for importing tons of Colombian Gold back in the 1970s. His memoir, Black Tuna Diaries, inspired his role in the hit feature documentary, Square Grouper which will be aired on Showtime starting on April 20.
We recently called Platshorn, once a famous pitchman, “the secret weapon for legalization,” and  that’s exactly what he is. An old hand at TV infomercials, he plans to put The Silver Tour on commercial TV stations and cable networks across Florida before going national with his campaign.
His last Silver Tour show generated hundreds of phone calls and letters to Florida lawmakers from senior voters demanding “legal safe access” to medicinal cannabis. More live shows and billboards are planned to support the TV campaign, according to Platshorn.

Federal medical marijuana patient Irv Rosenfeld receives 300 joints a month from Uncle Sam

​The Silver Tour is a nonprofit organization, supported by contributions from citizens and businesses who believe that Florida should join the 16 states and D.C., that have already made medical marijuana available for a host of ailments. Seventeen more states, including Florida, are considering medical marijuana legislation this year.
The first two billboards were donated to The Silver Tour by Charles Stroud, a disabled Pennsylvania truck driver who has good reason to believe deeply in the efficacy of marijuana.
More information is available at Supporters can contribute on the site.
Press Conference Tuesday, March 13
All Star Sports Bar & Grill, Pompano, Florida

At the press conference the press will learn about future events and plans for legalization. They will be able to interview Robert Platshorn, several current Florida cannabis patients, including Irv Rosenfeld, the Ft. Lauderdale stockbroker who receives 300 joints a month from the federal government for the treatment of tumors.
Also on hand will be Jeff Kennedy and his attorney Michael Minardi, who has successfully used the “medical defense” to protect Florid a patients indicted for using cannabis to treat serious medical conditions.
The press conference will begin at 3 p.m., on Tuesday, March 13, at the All Star Sports Bar, 2201 W. Sample Road, Pompano, Florida.