MI Marijuana Activists Will Gather Sunday To Plan Testimony


DUI Maze Blog

​Medical marijuana patients, caregivers, and organizations will all gather under one roof Sunday as Ann Arbor’s Clarion Hotel serves as Independence Hall while activists and interested parties will coordinate testimony to ensure all the implications of medicinal cannabis are properly explained to the Legislature.

The Michigan House of Representatives has a package of four bills under consideration that would alter the Michigan Medical Marihuana Act (MMA) or associated laws. Those bills are currently being reviewed in the House Judiciary Committee, under the authority of Chairman John Walsh (R-Livonia).
Chairman Walsh has determined that the package will be considered in a series of hearings, which will include testimony from selected groups and organizations to be followed by statements from the public.

In order to present the best possible message to the lawmakers involved, members of the medical marijuana and cannabis legalization committees are coordinating the public input opportunity to maximize impact, establish core issues, and reinforce etiquette and responsibilities of proper citizen participation. All persons are invited to attend and participate in this strategy session.

Cannabis Fantastic

​These four bills are being considered simultaneously, as a package, and collectively contain nine different proposed changes to Michigan law. No one person can convey everything that needs to be said on these subjects in the time allowed; only by acting as an organized group will all arguments be presented, all angles exposed, and all options explored.
According to the Michigan Medical Marijuana Report, this forum will help to get the marijuana reform community to be on the same page while determining what action to take or not take on these matters.
This will be a balanced discussion where all will have five minutes to discuss proposed MMJ bills with dignity and respect for all. lf you are interested in speaking, prepare some very brief talking points, and have your ideas on paper.
“Please join us in supporting patients and their rights,” Michigan Medical Marijuana Report said in a March 1 press release. “Our voices are raised on behalf of many that dare not speak.”
Strategy Session
March 4, 2012, 11 a.m.-4 p.m.
Clarion Hotel
2900 Jackson Avenue, Ann Arbor, MI 48103
(734) 665-4444