Brazil Holds Its First Cannabis Cup


Cadu Oliveira/Hempadão
The prizes Bud de Ouro (Gold Bud) and Flor Absoluta (Absolute Flower) went to an Ice from the Brazilian grower F.B.

The cannabis community is making great strides in the South American nation of Brazil. Now our friends to the south have held their first-ever Cannabis Cup competition.

Last Saturday, April 28, the 1st Copa Canábia Rio 420 (Cannabis Cup Rio 420), was held with 12 marijuana samples — each with eight grams — from different parts of Brazil, and one strain from Argentina.
Sergio Vidal, a leading Brazilian cannabis activist, author of the first Brazilian cannabis growing guide and a good friend of Toke of the Town, was lucky enough to serve as a judge at the Copa Canábia Rio 420, and he reports the Argentinian strain was no joke.

Cadu Oliveira/Hempadão 

“The Argentinean sample, from a grower named A.H., was a destroyer cured for four months, and it was chosen the most beautiful flower and the most potent of the Copa — but in my opinion, they also could have earned the other prizes,” Vidal told us. (Damn, I need to try me some of that stuff.)
The prizes Bud de Ouro (Gold Bud) and Flor Absoluta (Absolute Flower) went to an Ice from the Brazilian grower F.B. “The prizes were well merited because the Brazilian competitor is a grower who puts his blood in his harvests,” Vidal told Toke of the Town.

Cadu Oliveira/Hempadão 

“For me, it was a fantastic experience to take part in this Cup,” Vidal told us. “Besides the opportunity of evaluating the best qualified plants we have in Brazil and one Argentinean sample, I could get to know different people who cultivate for personal usage.
“It was so nice to see people from different generations of the Brazilian cannabis movement together to assure the event’s success,” Vidal said. “It was also important to receive an Argentinean guy, from a country where the grower culture is more developed. His flowers were much superior, showing how much we Brazilians must learn more in this area.”
“Congratulations to the two prize-winning growers and, mainly, to the organizers that made it possible for this special event to happen,” Vidal said. “This is just more evidence that things relating to cannabis are changing, very fast, all around the world — even in Brazil.”

Cadu Oliveira/Hempadão
Here’s the scorecard used by judges at the first Brazilian Cannabis Cup
