Kentucky Man Tells Cops His Marijuana Plants Were Burglarized


Louisville Metro Corrections
Stephen Byerly, 51, told the cops he caught two guys stealing his marijuana plants

Police responding to a Kentucky crime scene call early Friday morning were greeted by a man who claimed his marijuana plants were being burglarized.

According to an arrest report from the Louisville Police Department, 911 dispatchers took a call asking police to come to an address on St. Joseph Avenue, but the call got disconnected, reports WDRB.
When the cops got there, they found Stephen Byerly, 51, who told them he caught two guys in his house “who then burglarized his marijuana plants.”
Byerly gave the officers consent to search his home, upon which they said they found 10 marijuana plants growing in the basement. The cops said they also found a “sophisticated irrigation, lighting and ventilation system.”
According to the police report, Byerly told officers he was forced to grow marijuana so he could raise money after being laid off from his job.

Byerly was arrested for growing marijuana and possession of “drug paraphernalia,” presumably for his growing equipment.