L.A. To Consider Complete Dispensary Ban At Tuesday Meeting


Where’s Weed?

Here we go again. A marijuana dispensary ban will be considered at Los Angeles City Hall tomorrow, Tuesday, May 29. The L.A. City Council’s Planning and Land Use Management (PLUM) committee will look at the proposed ban.

“A complete obliteration of Los Angeles’ famous and numerous pot shops is on the table,” writes Dennis Romero at the LA Weekly.
The committee will consider two options:
• A “gentle ban” proposed by Councilman Paul Koretz, who claims its a “more reasonable” approach through which L.A. proceeds with a ban on dispensaries, but uses “prosecutorial discretion” to abstain from enforcement actions against dispensaries deemed not to be in violation of a set of City Council-imposed “restrictions.” 

“Seems that it remains to be seen how the survivors would be chosen,” Romero writes.
• Flat-out banning all dispensaries until the California Supreme Court has its say on a pivotal Long Beach case (Pack v. City of Long Beach) which prohibited that city from regulating dispensaries in the same way that Los Angeles does.
A medical marijuana advocate told the LA Weekly to expect fireworks at the PLUM committee meeting; cannabis patient advocates are expected to show up en masse.
The meeting starts at 2:30 p.m. in Los Angeles City Hall’s Board of Public Woks Royal Hearing Room (Room 350), 200 North Spring Street, Los Angeles, California.