NORML Women Putting Judges On The Cannabis Hot Seat


The UnLockr

It’s time for the cannabis community to be more aware of the stands taken by judges and other public servants when it comes to marijuana, and the NORML Women’s Alliance is taking steps to make that happen in Los Angeles County.
The L.A. branch of the NORML Women’s Alliance (National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws) on Monday launched a new voter education project focused on candidates for Los Angeles County Superior Court Judge in the June 5 primary election.
“We at the NORML Women’s Alliance believe that judges hold one of the most important elected offices in our system of government,” said Cheri Sicard, Los Angeles County community leader for the group. “Judges, more than any other government officials, have a direct impact on the daily lives of the constituents they serve. Yet voters are often least informed about the candidates they elect to these important positions. We want to change that.”

Cannabis Cheri
Cheri Sicard: “We at the NORML Women’s Alliance believe that judges hold one of the most important elected offices in our system of government”

Candidates for Superior Court Judge in L.A. County are being asked their positions on issues relating to medical marijuana, as well as three-strikes laws, mandatory minimum sentencing and the recent United States Supreme Court mandate to end overcrowding in California prisons.
The first phase of the project reports on candidates for Superior Court Judge in California’s Primary Election, Tuesday, June 5. Phase two will cover candidates in the general election in November.
The NORML Women’s Alliance is a nonpartisan coalition of socially and geographically diverse women who believe that marijuana prohibition is a self-destructive and hypocritical policy that undermines the American family, sends a mixed and false message to our young people, and destroys the cherished principles of personal liberty and local self-government.
NORML Women say they are bringing a contemporary approach to the public policy debate, and are proudly representing the interests of modern, mainstream women who believe that the negative consequences of marijuana prohibition far outweigh any repercussions from marijuana consumption itself. The NORML Women’s Alliance also presents a core group of national spokeswomen ready to interact with the public and the media on the important issue of reforming our marijuana laws.
You can view the NORML Women’s Alliance LA County Primary Election Judicial Voting Guide at