Oregon Cannabis Tax Act Makes Early Turn-In Of Signatures


OCTA 2012

The Oregon Cannabis Tax Act 2012 initiative petition on Friday turned in 27,401 signatures from the month of April, exceeding the minimum number of signatures for a statutory ballot measure by more than 2,000 signatures.
According to an official at the Oregon Secretary of State Elections Division [PDF], OCTA 2012 is the third initiative to meet the early turn-in requirement by exceeding the minimum number of signatures required for qualification for ballot status. 
“We are continuing our petition drive,” said initiative sponsor Paul Stanford of OCTA 2012. “We estimate that, on Monday, May 14th, another 10,000 signatures to be turned in to our office by petitioners that are gathered this week, and at least 10,000 more in each subsequent week.”

Chief petitioner Paul Stanford with country music legend Willie Nelson, who endorses OCTA 2012

“OCTA 2012’s signature drive momentum is building,” Stanford said. “We will turn in more than 150,000 signatures by July 6th to exceed the 87,213 valid registered Oregon voters’ signatures needed and ensure qualification for the Oregon ballot in November 2012.”
Here is the ballot title, question and summary that, should it qualify, will appear on Oregon ballots on November 6, 2012:
Allows personal marijuana, hemp cultivation/use without license; commission to regulate commercial marijuana cultivation/sale
Result of a “Yes” Vote: “Yes” vote allows commercial marijuana (cannabis) cultivation/sale to adults through state-licensed stores; allows unlicensed adult personal cultivation/use; prohibits restrictions on hemp (defined).
Result of a “No” Vote: “No” vote retains existing civil and criminal laws prohibiting cultivation, possession and delivery of marijuana; retains current statutes that permit regulated medical use of marijuana.
Summary: Currently, marijuana cultivation, possession and delivery are prohibited; regulated medical marijuana use is permitted. Measure replaces state, local marijuana laws except medical marijuana and driving under the influence laws; distinguishes “hemp” from “marijuana”; prohibits regulation of hemp. Creates commission to license marijuana cultivation by qualified persons and to purchase entire crop. Commission sells marijuana at cost to pharmacies, medical research facilities, and to qualified adults for profit through state-licensed stores. Ninety percent of net goes to state general fund, remainder to drug education, treatment, hemp promotion. Bans sales to, possession by minors. Bans public consumption except where signs permit, minors barred. Commission regulates use, sets prices, other duties; Attorney General to defend against federal challenges/prosecutions. Provides penalties.Effective January 1, 2013; other provisions.
OCTA 2012 will set aside two percent of the profits from the sale of cannabis in adult-only stores for two new state committees that will promote Oregon industrial hemp biodiesel, fiber and food.
It will also legalize the sale, possession and personal private cultivation of marijuana. People who want to cultivate and sell marijuana, or process commercial psychoactive cannabis, would be required to obtain a license from the state.
Adults could grow their own marijuana and the sale of all cannabis strains’ seeds and starter plants would be legalized with no license, fee nor registration. “The profits from the sale of cannabis to adults will add hundreds of millions of dollars into the state general fund, as well as drug treatment and education,” Stanford said.
“This versatile plant, cannabis, can be put to use as fuel, fiber, medicine, delicious and nutritious food and thousands of other products,” Stanford said. “It will resolve many needs and put Oregon on a path to lead the way toward economic and environmental sustainability.
“Legalizing hemp and cannabis will create tens of thousands of new jobs, revitalize our farming communities, boost tourism, and create millions of dollars in revenue for the state,” Stanford said.
For more information, to print out the OCTA 2012 petition to sign, to donate, or to volunteer to help, visit www.cannabistaxact.org.