Marijuana Activists Kick White House’s Butt In Softball


Anastacia Cosner
The One Hitters were already kicking the Drug War’s ass — now they kicked the White House softball team’s butts, too.

The White House softball team was unceremoniously smoked by the One Hitters, a team of pro-marijuana activists, in softball last week by a humiliating score of 25 to 3.

The Softball Team of the U.S., its official name, didn’t do so well against the cannabis reformers, but at least the White House team showed up for the game. Last year, the Czardinals, from the Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP, the Drug Czar’s office), cancelled on the One Hitters, claiming they had a scheduling conflict.

“The One Hitters enjoyed slugging it out with the White House,” said Aaron Houston, executive director of Students for Sensible Drug Policy (SSDP), the group that sponsors the pro-pot team, reports Emily Heil at The Washington Post. “Hopefully we can play them again when they aren’t totally absorbed at work.”
There was a clever pun in there, folks: Houston was making a sly reference to David Maraniss’s new bio of the President, in which it is revealed that young Barry Obama’s high-school pot-smoking credo called for “total absorption” of the smoke from each toke. Obama encouraged his buddies to hold their tokes for so long, no smoke was visible upon the exhale.

Anastacia Cosner
The mighty One Hitters strike fear into the hearts of the White House softball team and drug warriors everywhere. 
