Weed Not Greed Tour To Cover U.S. This Summer


Weed Not Greed

Weed Not Greed, a nationwide tour sponsored by the Cannabis Information Network, will be promoting awareness of marijuana/hemp uses and advocating for the repeal of marijuana prohibition from coast to coast this summer.

Weed Not Greed

Weed Not Greed already unofficially started at the World Famous Cannabis Cafe’s Hemp Expo in Portland, Oregon on Sunday. After another appearance at the Magazine Whose Name Shall Not Be Mentioned’s Medical Cannabis Cup in San Francisco, June 23 and 24, the tour moves to the KickAss Summer Blow Out on June 30 in Denver, then the 4th Of July Smoke-Out in Washington, D.C., then the Sacramento Hempfest on August 3, 4 and 5.
That will be followed by an appearance at the Sonshine Organics Washington Farmers Market in Hoodsport, Washington, on August 11; but the following weekend, the tour really kicks into “high” gear.
The tour will have a big presence and its official start at Seattle Hempfest in August and work its way across the U.S., with a finale in Washington, D.C., scheduled for September 17. Along the way the bus tour will be making stops to rally citizens and promote awareness of the many benefits of hemp and cannabis.

Thurlow Weed
Media personality Thurlow Weed will be the radio voice of the Weed Not Greed Tour

Media personality Thurlow Weed of WFCC Radio will be the radio voice of the tour.
“This tour is not about me, it’s about educating and bringing our Cannabis communities together across the nation and strengthening our bond,” Weed told Toke of the Town. “I don’t want to just leave a better planet for our children; I want to leave better children for our planet.”
The tour is people powered and supported, and is a one-of-a-kind legalization tour that depends on the support of “The People” to shed light on this important cause.
“This joint effort between the Weed Not Greed Tour and ‘The People’ will make the Weed Not Greed Tour the most diverse and driven pro marijuana legalization tour in existence,” Weed Not Greed says on its website.
“The time is now and the people are ready to be heard,” said Cannabis Information Network founder and organizer David Kowalsky.
“We want to be loud enough for Washington to hear that it is the People that want to make the decisions about their own health and happiness — and Cannabis plays a positive role in many of our lives,” Kowalsky said.
“Environmentally friendly fuel can be produced from the seeds, cloth can be made from the fibers, medicinal value is proven, and new jobs in a legal industry would instantly spawn by the thousands!” Kowalsky said.
For a Google Map of the Weed Not Greed tour, click here.
