Oregon Cannabis Legalization Drive To Submit Final Signatures


OCTA 2012

Initiative 9 Signature-Drive Completion Press Conference Set For Friday, July 6
Friday, July 6 marks the deadline for Oregonians to submit signatures in order to qualify an initiative for the November ballot. The Oregon Cannabis Tax Act campaign will be submitting its final group of signatures to the Secretary of State and discussing next steps for allowing Oregonians to vote to support common-sense cannabis and hemp policy.
Initiative 9 will regulate cannabis for adult use, license cannabis for commercial sale, and re-allow Oregon farmers to grow hemp for biofuel, food, sustainable fiber and medicine.

Michael Bachara/Salem-News.com
OCTA 2012’s Paul Stanford turns in signatures for for the Oregon Cannabis Tax Act

More than 300 leading economists, including Nobel laureates, agree: Cannabis prohibition costs our society hundreds of billions of dollars. Regulating the existing markets for marijuana and hemp would create hundreds of billions of dollars and untold tens of thousands of jobs.
“Creating a legal, transparent cannabis and hemp industry will create jobs for rural and urban Oregonians alike; it would save public safety agencies tens of millions of dollars every year; and, it would send more than $100 million a year to Oregon’s bruised general fund, to support education, public health and the environment,” said chief petitioner Paul Stanford of the Oregon Cannabis Tax Acet.
• Paul Stanford, chief petitioner, Initiative 9, Oregon Cannabis Tax Act 
• Madeline Martinez, representative, Law Enforcement Against Prohibition (LEAP)
• Jeff Anderson, secretary-treasurer, United Food and Commercial Workers Union (UFCW Local 555)
• Ann Dietz, director of organizing, UFCW Local 555
Front steps of the Oregon State Capitol
900 Court St. NE
Salem, OR 97301
Friday, July 6, 2012
9:15 a.m. — Supporters begin arriving
9:45 a.m. – Media to arrive for set-up
10:15 a.m. – Remarks/Q&A
10:45 a.m. – Event concludes