S.F. Marijuana Collective Offers Volcano Vaporizer Rentals


Vaporizers FTW

In an innovation sure to please patients who can’t afford to, well, cough up almost $700 for a Volcano vaporizer, one San Francisco medical marijuana delivery service is now offering the top-shelf vaporizers for rental.

Volcanoes, like other vaporizers, gently heat the herbal material without burning it, so you get pure flavor and aroma without smoke. Vaporization creates a fine mist, similar to steam, with the result being what many say is better flavor, increased purity, and greater effect.
Many patients who find cannabis smoke to be irritating report effective relief through inhaling vapor.
But with the latest digital model of the Volcano retailing for $669, many patients couldn’t afford to experience the healthy luxury of German vaporizer engineering (the Volcano is manufactured by the German firm of Storz & Bickel).

The Green Cross, a nonprofit collective delivery service permitted and regulated by the San Francisco Department of Health in accordance with state and local laws, is now offering members Volcanos for rent in both classic and digital models.

The Green Cross

The rental price includes free delivery in a genuine Volcano case for easy storage, an instruction page, the Easy Valve filling chamber, and a vapor bag. Patients get to keep the bag after renting a Volcano.
There are two rental plans: the three-day rental, which costs $35 for the first day plus $15 each additional day, totaling $65 for three days; or the seven-day rental, which is $35 for the first day plus $10 each additional day, totaling $95 for seven days. Patients must pay a refundable $200 cash deposit upon delivery of the Volcano.
If you want to just buy a Volcano instead of renting one, The Green Cross also sells ’em outright for $599, digital; and $499, classic.
For more details about Volcano vaporizer rentals from The Green Cross in San Francisco, call 415-648-4420 or email [email protected].