Dr. Lucido’s Berkeley Office Celebrating 33 Years In Practice


Medical Marijuana 411
Dr. Frank Lucido: “It’s a great privilege to be a part of someone’s life on that level, from delivering healthy babies, to holding their hand when they are dying”

This year, Dr. Frank Lucido, M.D., celebrates his 33rd year of providing family health care in Berkeley, California, He began practicing at his current location in 1979.

Dr. Lucido has been in the forefront of the medical cannabis movement since the passage of the California Compassionate Use Act of 1996, Proposition 215.
“Wow, how to summarize these 33 years,” Dr. Lucido told Toke of the Town. “Family medicine has given me a chance to see people in all stages of life, health, and illness.”

“It’s a great privilege to be part of someone’s life on that level — from delivering healthy babies, to holding their hand when they are dying,” Dr. Frank told me. “I’ve gone to a patient’s home to tell them bad news, rather than by telephone.

Sacramento Press
Dr. Frank Lucido: “[W]ith family medicine, mostly the joy is reassuring patients that they do NOT have a serious illness, when the exam or tests come back negative”

“My career has seen the beginning of the AIDS crisis in 1980, when the diagnosis was a death sentence,” Dr. Lucido said. “Now, 32 years later, people are living with HIV, and a recent conversation with a newly diagnosed AIDS patient was full of hope.
“But with family medicine, mostly the joy is reassuring patients that they do NOT have a serious illness, when the exam or tests come back negative,” Dr. Frank said with a smile.
“Plus, family medicine is a very broad specialty, in which you can carve our your own specialty, like legal medicine,” Lucido explained. “For instance, in the 1990s I took cases as an expert witness, reviewing cases for the plaintiff in malpractice cases.
“This came in very hand once Prop 215 passed, because now I had had that experience of being deposed under oath by attorneys from both sides,” Dr. Frank told me. “Very good experience in cannabis cases, because of the legal issues involved.”

Dr. Frank Lucido

Every patient preregistering at this event for their next annual physical or cannabis evaluation will be given a surprise CD from Dr. Frank’s personal collection of more than 500 discs, until he runs out! No purchase is necessary.
Dr. Lucido’s practice includes primary care for patients more than 12 years of age. Although he no longer does obstetrics, some of the babies he delivered in the early 1980s are still his patients as adults.
Solo practitioners such as Dr. Lucido are almost unheard of in the modern age of large, impersonal HMOs and PPOs.
Patients of Dr. Frank know he will spend as much time with them as their medical condition requires, and he even makes house calls as needed. “The first weekend on call was December 1979,” Dr. Lucido reminisced to me. “I made a house call on a 100-year-old woman who was dying in the same house she was born in.”
More information about Dr. Lucido and his practice can be found at www.DrFrankLucido.com. You can also receive regular updates from Dr. Frank’s blog: Everyone’s Entitled To My Opinion.
Dr. Lucido‘s Berkeley Office Open House 
Sunday afternoon, August 12,  2 pm til 6 pm
2300 Durant Avenue
Berkeley CA 94704

full invitation at:

Dr. Frank Lucido
Dr. Lucido in his office
