AR Medical Marijuana Act: $10 Million In Annual Tax Revenues


Arkansans for Compassionate Care

Act Would Create 500 New Jobs
The Arkansas Department of Health estimates 45,000 Arkansas patients would benefit from the Arkansas Medical Marijuana Act (AMMA). According to the latest numbers, the AMMA would generate an estimated $10 million a year in new sales tax revenue to the state and create 500 new, well-paying jobs in the state. 
The ADH indicated the initial startup costs for the program will be between $3.3 million and $6.4 million. This will be paid for by cardholder and license fees.

After the initial startup fees are recovered, the entire program will be revenue neutral, according to Arkansans for Compassionate Care, the group which sponsors the ballot initiative which is on the November 6 general election ballot.
Arkansans for Compassionate Care
Arkansans for Compassionate Care is a coalition of concerned physicians, patients, and allies who agree that sick and dying patients should have access to medical marijuana with a doctor’s recommendation. 
For thousands of chronically-ill Arkansans, the pain and nausea relief afforded by marijuana helps them live comfortably without harmful side effects. But marijuana is currently unregulated and not legally available.
Arkansans for Compassionate Care says it offers a better choice: controlled access to a medicine that is proven to be both safe and effective, especially against the debilitating effects of chronic illness and harsh medical treatments.
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