Melissa Etheridge Endorses Medical Marijuana Ballot Measures

Melissa Etheridge: “Medical marijuana made a big difference, instantly”

In honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, Citizens for Patient Rights has announced the endorsement of singer/songwriter and outspoken breast cancer survivor, Melissa Etheridge for its campaigns to allow safe medical marijuana access in Lemon Grove (Prop T), Solana Beach (Prop W) and Del Mar (Prop H).
Medical marijuana is commonly used by cancer patients to combat the adverse symptoms related cancer radiation therapy and chemotherapy. Moreover, studies have shown that compounds found in medicinal marijuana may slow of the growth of cancerous cells.
Melissa experienced first hand the positive benefits of medical marijuana during her own chemotherapy. According to Melissa, “Medical marijuana made a big difference, instantly, within a minute, relieved the nausea, relieved the pain. And all of the sudden, I was normal… I could get out of bed. I could go see my kid. And it was amazing.”

When asked how her doctors reacted, Melissa replied, “Every single one was, ‘Oh, yeah. That’s the best help for the effects of chemotherapy.’ “
The signer said she smoked marijuana every day for her pain and symptoms, and “the minute I didn’t feel it, I stopped.”

Citizens For Patient Rights

Local breast cancer patients could also benefit from similar relief with marijuana medicine. For this reason, breast cancer survivors in Solana Beach and Lemon Grove have co-authored the ballot arguments for the propositions in their respective cities. (In Del Mar, a cancer survivor co-authored the argument for Proposition H).
“Citizens for Patient Rights is proud to support Proposition T, Proposition W and Proposition H, which will allow cancer patients, in communities around San Diego County, to have safe convenient, discreet, storefront access to marijuana medicine to help alleviate the suffering associated with this and other deadly diseases,” the group said in a prepared statement.
In addition to Melissa Etheridge, a number of prominent national civic leaders have also endorsed Propositions T, W and H, including Jill Stein, Presidential candidate for the Green Party; Judge James Gray, Vice-Presidential candidate for the Libertarian Party; and travel writer Rick Steves.
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