Women’s Rally: Save Our Children, End Marijuana Prohibition



On, Monday, October 15, Women for Measure 80 will hold a rally on the steps of the Oregon State Capitol in Salem to call for an end to 75 years of failed marijuana prohibition.
Mothers, women, seniors and supportive men will come together in support of passing Measure 80, which will regulate marijuana like liquor — for adults 21 and over, sold through state-licensed stores only, and with 90 percent of tax revenues going to the state’s general fund to pay for schools and social services.
Measure 80 will also finally re-allow Oregon farmers to grow hemp for biofuel, food, sustainable fiber and medicine.
The Oregon Women for Measure 80 rally is being held in solidarity with the national Moms For Marijuana rally on the steps of our nation’s capitol that same day.

“It’s time for a rational, real debate around marijuana policy for the safety of our communities, and for the well being of our children,” said Anna Diaz, founder of Women for Measure 80 and one of the cofounders of Oregon NORML (National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws).
‘When alcohol use is at record lows, while marijuana use continues to climb, it’s impossible to say that prohibition is working at all,” Diaz said. “We need to take lessons from our regulate-and-educate approach to alcohol.
“Though legal, alcohol is heavily regulated, allowing us to have honest, open discussions about the harms and risks related to its use,” Diaz said. “Marijuana is as ubiquitous in our society as prescription medicine or coffee and needs to be regulated accordingly. Open and honest discussions will yield better results than the ambiguous, confusing messages currently being sent to kids.”
Scheduled to Appear at the Women’s Rally for Measure 80:
Anna Diaz, Founder Women for Measure 80
Amanda Rain, Women for Measure 80 and Outreach Director for Yes on 80
Shelley Fox-Loken, Law Enforcement Against Prohibition (LEAP)
Madeline Martinez, Law Enforcement Against Prohibition (LEAP)
Trish Morningstar, Mom and PTSD Sufferer
Jessica Parks, Mom and War on Marijuana Victim
Front steps of the Oregon State Capitol
900 Court St. NE
Salem, OR 97301
Monday, October 15
1:00 pm – 1:30: Gather
1:30 pm – 2:30: Speakers
2:30 pm – 3:00: Close