Hello, Denver! Toke Hits Town In February For Medicated Chef Contest


SONshine Organics/Washington Farmer’s Market’s Sarena Haskins with Toke of the Town editor Steve Elliott at the Farmer’s Market’s Hoodsport edition

We at Toke of the Town certainly couldn’t think of anyplace more appropriate to visit than the Mile High City — and Denver, here we come, for the Medicated Chef Contest in February. It’s for sure that authoring a Seattle Weekly “Voracious” food blog column, “Incredible Medibles,” has certainly nourished our keen interest in and enjoyment of cannabis-infused cooking.

Now, No Excuses Entertainment, LLC, parent company of iBAKE TV, along with M2j Media Group and a host of sponsors, has announced that Steve Elliott writer/editor of Toke of the Town (that’d be me, stoner) and Sarena Haskins, owner of SONshine Organics (www.sonshineo.com) which hosts their Washington Farmers Market, have confirmed that they will be guest judging at the 2013 Medicated Chef Finale in Denver, CO at The Oriental Theater Saturday February 16, 2013.

Me and Sarena will be joining Aj Hashman of At Home Baked, Eric Knutson of Keef Cola & Russ Belville of the Russ Belville Show in judging the 2013 Medicated Chef Contest in Denver, Feb. 16 at The Oriental Theater.
Haskins, who runs SONshine Organics in Olympia, one of the state’s top access points with their Washington Farmers Markets every first and third Saturdays of the month, will be joining the host of male judges at the finale.
Preliminary Round December 15
With this addition to the guest judge list, No Excuses also announced that there will be a preliminary round for the 2013 Medicated Chef Contest at SONshine Organics Washington Farmers Market on December 15.
If you would like to enter this preliminary round, it is free of charge. To enter go to www.noexcusesentertainment.com and click on the Medicated Chef link. Read the rules and fill out the form.
Do not worry about paying the $25 fee if you are entering the preliminary round; just put in the notes section that you are entering in the preliminary round at SONshine Organics/Washington Farmers Market. Then you must bring your medicated entry to SONshine Organics Washington Farmers Market (You must have your proper Washington state ID and medical marijuana paperwork.) 
At the event your entry will be judged by (judges subject to change) Ron Lawson, Sarena Haskins, Kaaleb & more.
For more information about the 2013 Medicated Chef Contest visit www.noexcusesentertainment.com and click on the Medicated Chef link. If you are interested in having your business sponsor this event you can email [email protected] or call 303.469.4915 for more information.