Arizona man says landlord kicked him out for being an MMJ patient

Vince Borinski.

Hepatitis C and Cancer patient Vince Borinski says that he was unfairly evicted from the Country Park Villas apartments in Mesa Arizona due to his choice of medication, according to AZFamily TV3 Mesa. View the video after the break.

Borinski was kicked out for “illegal drug-related activity,” despite the fact that he was nothing but honest with his landlords and is clearly a sick patient trying to get relief. Not only that, but Arizona law says a landlord can’t discriminate against someone based on their status as a medical marijuana patient. But due to the eviction, Borinski says he’s having trouble finding another place to rent.
The landlord didn’t comment to the news station, but they did send Borinski a letter referring to federal laws: “Despite Arizona’s new law, the federal Controlled Substance Act (CSA) categorizes marijuana as a Schedule 1 substance … The US Department of Housing and Urban Development has sent out a memorandum that specifically states the use of marijuana for medical purposes violates federal law and that federal and state nondiscrimination laws do not require landlords to accommodate requests by current or prospective residents with disabilities to use medical marijuana.”

The frustrating thing here isn’t just that this guy is being railroaded out of his home for his medical choices. It’s that it’s happening in Arizona. I mean, it’s not like Arizona is known for caring what the feds have to say anyway. Not only do they allow for medical marijuana, they implemented their own homespun immigration policies that many saidbordered on racial profiling.
Currently, Borinski is in a temporary living situation. Hopefully a compassionate landlord catches wind of Borinski’s situation and get’s the guy a more permanent roof over his head.
