Harlem Baked. |
This whole Harlem Shake thing has gotten way out of hand. I’ve personally been invited to take part in two of these this week (I’ve declined). But like a five-year-old asking his dad “why” repeatedly, it’s so horribly obnoxious that it transcends annoyance and becomes hypnotically hysterical if only from a purely sociological perspective.
But just so you don’t need to do any further searching on your own, below are our top ten ganja-related Harlem Shake remix vids on YouTube. Con los cannabistas!
10. GWater717 – Strictly herb with the munchies edition
Hungry? Why wait. Grab a bud and some Snickers.
9. Dylan James Hodgson – Stoners in the Dorm Room edition
Low-quality filming, but top-notch effort.
8. IBeBlazinBowls – Room full of puffers edition
I love the plant over on the right. If it could talk, it would no doubt be all: “You folks is crazy.”
Page down for the rest of our top ten list.
7. Teefonline – I-don’t-even-know-how-to-describe-this Edition
I don’t know who this dude is, but he clearly gets higher than I do off a spliff.
6. Tom Thomas – more stoners in the Dorm Room Edition
Ah, college.
5. Buddy Bigs – Stoned Robot Grower edition
Even cyborgs love herb and bad internet crazes.
Page down for the rest of our list, including our top cannabis-related Harlem Shake video.
4. 19skyeblu – LBC Hash Bar edition
With so much drama in the LBC it’s kinda hard doing the s-h-a-k-e. Unless you’re these folks.
3. Eden Shizzle – Dispensary Edition
My budtenders are never this excitable.
2. SchleppFilms – Stoner Bear edition
Just keep your eyes on the bear and look out for the Jedi minotaur.
1. Jesse Sabastiani – Harlem Baked
And finally, our favorite and (and most life-like) Harlem Shake remix by Jesse Sabastiani. Someone get this kid in touch with us, we want to get him Harlem Baked ourselves.