Mass. mom sues FedEx over pot package with the wrong address (VIDEO)


A Massachusetts woman is suing FedEx after a package of pot was mailed to her house and the delivery company gave out her address to the actual recipients.

Maryanagela Tobin says that she originally opened the package thinking it was full of presents for her daughter. Inside was a hodgepodge of candy, candles, peppermint and – at the bottom – ganja, according to the Washington Post. Tobin says that she thought the herb was potpourri at first, but soon realized that the vacuum-packed Tupperware containers weren’t full of dried, dead flowers – or at least, not the kind you put out on display to make your living room smell like roses.

Tobin tells CBS Boston
that she called the police, who in turn called FedEx and asked them to put a flag on the package – which Tobin says she took to mean that her address wouldn’t be disclosed to anyone. That is until a man showed up at her door about an hour later demanding the package.
Instead of handing the man his property, she decided to tell him that she didn’t have it, slam the door in his face and call the cops. Police eventually arrested someone in connection to the delivery, but Tobin says she’s still afraid for her life and the safety of her daughters thanks to FedEx. She says that the company violated Massachusetts privacy law when they gave out her address to the intended recipients, who later showed up at the door asking for the weed.
“I feel like the safety of my daughters and myself was invaded, and it makes things complicated,” she tells CBS Boston. “If you’ve ever been in the position of being so scared in your own own, I just can’t describe it.”
This woman clearly watches too many made-for-TV-movies if she’s afraid for her life over a little pot lost in the mail. Not saying that this type of situation wouldn’t be a bit offsetting for someone so straight that they think marijuana is potpourii, but the reality is that the guy expecting the package is probably more pissed off at his friend in California (or Colorado, or wherever) that fucked up the address in the first place.
Watch the entire video below:
