Maine approves medical marijuana for PTSD


Post-traumatic stress disorder isn’t just a media buzzword. It’s mental and often physical suffering that affects millions of people to varying degrees, often making life unlivable. In recent years, cannabis has been shown – albeit anecdotal – to help improve PTSD symptoms yet many states with medical marijuana laws still don’t allow it as a qualifying condition.

As of today, however, there’s one less. Maine Gov. Paul LePage signed LD 1062 yesterday, authorizing patients with PTSD to legally access cannabis in that state. Maine joins New Mexico and Oregon in passing MMJ-PTSD legislation this year. Connecticut, California, Delaware, and Massachusetts also have PTSD provisions in their state laws.
“Maine lawmakers should be commended for taking action to ensure veterans and others living with PTSD are able to use medical marijuana to alleviate their symptoms and live healthy and productive lives,” said David Boyer, Maine political director for the Marijuana Policy Project in a press release. “They deserve nothing less. A growing number of states are beginning to consider allowing the use of medical marijuana in the treatment of PTSD. We hope they will move forward and follow the example that has been set by Maine and other states.”
Arizona doesn’t allow for it, however researchers at the University of Arizona have announced their plans to study cannabis for PTSD in the near future after lawmakers in that state okayed cannabis research at universities earlier this session.

PTSD Statistics
