(Another) study shows marijuana helps treat multiple sclerosis


Cannabis is an effective tool for combating multiple sclerosis. It is something medical marijuana patients have known for years now, but researchers at Tel Aviv University now have sound evidence that certain cannabinoids can help prevent swelling in the brain and spinal cord associated with the disease.
The study, published in the Journal of Neuroimmune Pharmacology this month, said that they were able to control the “out of hand” inflammation associated with MS by using both cannabidiol (CBD) and THC – chemical compounds found in cannabis.

Researchers were able to isolate the immune cells that would normally react during a spinal or brain injury as well as in MS patients, give them doses of THC or CBD. Not only did it cause the cells to produce fewer triggers that cause pain and swelling, it targeted the particular molecule most associated with MS.
Basically, pot causes the immune system in MS patients to stop and chill out for a while. The more CBD or THC you take, the more effective it is.
“When used wisely, cannabis has huge potential,” one of the researchers said in a press release. “We’re just beginning to understand how it works.”
This isn’t the first marijuana/MS study in recent years. In 2011 researchers proved that CBD helps treat MS symptoms by preventing the immune system from attacking the lining and insulation around nerve cells in the spinal cord. The study involved paralyzing mice with an MS-like condition then giving them CBD injections. After a few days the mice went from paralysis to walking around like normal.
