Oklahoma hunter stumbles upon pot grow, calls cops like a complete asshole


Oklahoma weed.

Attention clandestine Creek County, Oklahoma outdoor marijuana growers: stop growing your weed where wild game is being hunted.
Late yesterday evening Creek County Sheriff’s deputies got a call from a local narc hunter about a big, green find he had bagged: nearly $1 million in herb. This is the second time in three years police say they’ve found a grow like this in the area.

Cops say that the hunter was north of State Highway 33 near 305th West Avenue (note: don’t try growing here next year) when he stumbled upon a small field of pot as well as a few bags of finished herb and more hanging on the racks to dry.
In all, the pigs estimate the haul at some ridiculously high amount that likely is nowhere near the actual value. Most of the stringy buds in the pictures don’t look like they were very ripe to us, but this is Oklahoma and we’re sure that it beats the usual South American dirt weed.
A man was seen running like a bat out of hell from the site, likely swearing uncontrollably at the loss of his precious, locally-grown harvest. Our condolences to those of you in Oklahoma who have to now resort to smoking imported trash from another country.

Plants hanging to dry.
