NAACP supports pro-marijuana bill sponsored by California racist?


Rep. Dana Rohrabacher, R-CA.

Yes, the Respect State Marijuana Laws Act is a good thing. It would force the feds to actually have to respect state marijuana laws on paper, as opposed to the less binding, more vague verbal assurance being paid to the marijuana community right now by the Department of Justice. It’s such a good thing that more than 20 lawmakers and several groups have signed on to endorse it, including the Marijuana Policy Project and NAACP.
That last one is a little bit ironic, given that the bill’s sponsor, Rep. Dana Rohrabacher, a Republican from California, has been labeled as a racist by several people, including our sister paper, the L.A. Weekly. Is that the case? Does it matter? Click over to the Weekly to find out for yourself and take part in the discussion.
