U.K. heroin junkie says pot growers took over his apartment for grow op and held him captive


Note to would-be cannabis growers: Taking over the apartment of a known heroin junkie for your grow op is not a good way to start. Forcing him into captivity for three days in said junkie pad grow op? Even worse idea.
He’s a heroin junkie–he’s going to get out and get his fix.

Jason Huskisson of Manchester, England says that after years of being addicted to heroin he’s run afoul of many known drug dealers in the area. He says that a few recently threatened him and his family into using Huskisson’s apartment for their pot operation.
The grow operation apparently went along fine until clearly something went south and Huskisson was locked in his own apartment by the growers so that he wouldn’t escape and (presumably) rat out the 23-plant operation, according to the Manchester Evening News.
But Huskisson wasn’t to be held captive. No. The gangly man opened up a window from the second floor apartment and jumped to safety. Relatively speaking, that is. Huskisson actually broke his foot and arm in the fall. Thankfully a neighbor heard the thud and looked out the window before calling 999 (UK’s version of 911).
Huskisson, meanwhile, had run off to a nearby pawn shop clearly not wanting to stick around the area. But cops managed to track the hobbled man down and get him to a hospital where he told his strange saga.
Nobody else was arrested in relation to the case.
Huskisson was shown some mercy and given 12 months of supervised probation and drug counseling.
