With marijuana now legal in Colorado (if you’re 21 and above and the amount is an ounce or less), odds are good that you’ve got a stoner on your holiday gift list.
Or maybe two stoners. Or possibly ten.
Wondering what to get them this year? We’re here to help, with our “Dear Santa” suggestions for the cannabis consumer in your life.
Below are some of the top pot-related must-haves for the 2013 holiday season.
Number 15. RigRags reusable cannabis-themed rags
Okay, we know that RigRags are nothing more than bandannas with cool designs, but they’re great stocking-stuffer swag for the out-and-about dabber who doesn’t want to leave behind a splattery mess of cannabis residue. All feature black designs on white rags so that you can easily find the still-clean spots to dirty up. And they’re each just $5, so you’ll want to order a few to keep around the house. Dirty rig? Clean it up. Click to visit Rigrags.net.
Number 14. Pipe bag from Colorado’s Dime Bags
It might seem strange to some of us, but the ’90s are back in style, with faded jeans, flannel and high-tops coming full circle some twenty years later. Take it from someone who was there: If you want to be a truly authentic 1990s stoner, you’ve got to get a padded pipe bag to carry your heady fumed glass piece around in. Seriously, though, pipe bags are still a great way to keep glass from chipping, and also to help mitigate odors in your backpack, car, boat, rocket ship, etc. Colorado Springs-based Dime Bags Storage has been making quality pipe bags for years, but to keep up with the times, it now also offers padded bong and bubbler bags, with room for all of your stoner accoutrements. Click to visit Dimebagsstorage.com.
Number 13. Hemp playing cards
These playing cards give a new meaning to smokin’ aces. Bicycle, the card company that’s been around since before cannabis was outlawed in the United States, has created a deck of cards made from sustainable hemp, which gives them a slightly weathered, aged look. Otherwise, the cards feel and play like a standard deck, so you won’t miss a beat at your next bridge game — though you might cause a small stir. Because instead of the usual design, the hemp cards feature a rather hearty-looking ganja leaf on the back and weed-themed green kings, queens, jacks and jokers. They’re $4 at shopbicyclecards.com.
Number 12. DoobTubes
We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again (because we’re stoned and forgot we said it before): These are possibly the greatest on-the-go personal stash containers out there. Not only do DoobTubes keep king-sized joints, spliffs and blunts from being crushed, but you can also grind up raw herb and stash it inside the smell-proof tubes for safekeeping. We’ve found they’re great for snowboarding and swimming, and they also make thoughtful handouts when you’re traveling and meet a fellow toker. Doobtubin.com allows you to order tubes with Colorado state laws printed on the side, or any custom design you want. Five-packs start at $6 on the website, though you can also find much cheaper deals through online smoke shops.
Number 11. Bargain Ballz and Bungee Ballz
The concept seems stupidly simple (it is), and the names aren’t the greatest. But if you’re a skier or boarder, these balls should be on your must-have list. Not only does the bungee keep your lighter around, but the round foam piece that chomps down onto the lighter makes it easier to handle with gloved or freezing-cold hands. Flip the lighter business-side down into the foam and it’s kept relatively waterproofed. The balls are great for pairing up with a DoobTube or two for a rafting trip or a day paddle-boarding on the reservoir. Bungee Ballz come one to a pack for about $6 a pop; Bargain Ballz are two per $6 pack. Click to visit Bargainballz.com.
Click through for more of the list.
Number 10. Vapor globe portable vaporizer
Does your stoner have the (current) mother of all vape pens, the vapor globe? While the globe doesn’t have the portability or stealthiness of smaller vape pens like the Cloud/iPuff/etc., it’s much more like actual dabbing. Just drop your wax, shatter or oil into the nail, and it’s ready to rip. If you’ve got an eGo-type battery for your current vaporizer, then upgrading to the vapor globe set will only run you about $45 — and it’s money well spent. We suggest the Halo Elips with titanium-nail setup from gotvape.com.
Number 9. Smoke Buddy Jr.
While cannabis use is legal in Colorado, you can’t just go around smoking wherever and whenever you want — yet. Until that day comes, odor elimination while toking will remain a necessary evil for apartment-dwelling tokers, people with uncool roommates, and those of you unfortunate enough to still be living at home with your intolerant parents. But Smoke Buddy has you covered. More accurately, Smoke Buddy covers you when you’re smoking. The new Smoke Buddy Jr. offers a much more portable way to do it, too. The disposable, carbon-filtered units last for about 300 hits and really do help keep your space from becoming smoky and skunky a thousand times better than the old-school method of stuffing a dryer sheet in a toilet-paper tube. They’re $25 online at Smokebuddy.com.
Number 8. Trim Bin
Got growers in the house? Here’s a trim tray that they’ll instantly favor over the Tupperware or glass baking dishes they’ve been using. The Trim Bin has a 150 micron mesh screen at the bottom, allowing kief to fall through to the attached ergonomic lower tray of the unit. The whole thing fits comfortably in your lap and gives an instant payoff of farm-fresh kief at the end of your pruning. The bin has high walls and custom armrests, allowing trimmers to sit in any chair and trim in their lap without slumping over a table. The Trim Bin is available around town at grow shops, and online through Amazon, for about $50 to $60 a pop. Click to visit Harvest-more.com.
Number 7. Oil Slick pads and jars
This one might save your marriage as well as your tabletops. The non-stick jars and pads from Oil Slick keep even the most goopy, sticky concentrates manageable, and since they aren’t glass, you can bend the mats and jars to help dislodge oil that you might otherwise leave behind in a plastic or glass jar. It’s a very, very simple idea — but sometimes those lead to the very, very best products. Slick pads come in a variety of sizes, ranging from $5 pads the size of a DVD case all the way up to table-sized slabs that sell for $80 or so. The pocket-sized oil stackers and balls will run you $25 for a box of three online. Click to visit Oilslickpad.com.
For the rest of the list of pot gifts that should be on every stoner’s wish list, click over to the original post at our sister blog, Mile Highs and Lows.