Georgia lawmaker to propose extremely limited medical cannabis bill


A full-on medical marijuana bill in Georgia is still years away, but limited access to beneficial parts of the cannabis plant may be relaxed as state Rep. Allen Peake, a Republican from Macon, says he’ll be introducing a medical cannabis bill this week.
According to Peake, the bill would allow for epileptic patients and patients suffering from seizures to apply for a permit from an academic medical center to possesses and use high-CBD oil, which would come from Colorado.

Peake says that the idea for the bill came after speaking with several Georgia parents of sick children who say the medicine can help ease their kid’s seizures. Several parents have said that if the bill doesn’t pass, they will likely be moving to states that do allow for medical marijuana treatments.
According to the proposal, Georgia patients wouldn’t be allow to possess or grow cannabis. Instead, the oil was have to be imported from Colorado. Peake hasn’t addressed how the bill would circumvent federal interstate drug trafficking laws, however. Peake also has not discussed how Colorado would have to agree to the deal as well – since the sales of medical marijuana in the state is limited to Colorado medical marijuana patients.
Peake did say that he is completely against marijuana legalization, however.
The state legislature adjourns for the summer in March, meaning the bill has little time to get through and be approved.
