Minnesota governor shifts opinion daily on medical cannabis


Minnesota Gov. Mark Dayton.

During a WCCO radio appearance yesterday, Gov. Mark Dayton characterized the likelihood of any medical marijuana legislation being signed into law this year as between “slim and none.” He lamented that “the advocates who want to be able to smoke leaf marijuana… are not interested in carrying [a medical pot bill]forward on a more limited basis … We’ll work on it next session.”
Well, what a difference 24 hours makes.

In a statement released today, Dayton, referring to his “advocates who want to be able to smoke leaf marijuana” remark, says the comment “was in no way intended to refer to victims of terrible diseases or their parents, who I was trying to help. I regret that my words were unclear.”
He goes on to express two more regrets — that his proposal to provide funding for research on marijuana’s potential to treat infantile seizures while not legalizing medical marijuana has been rejected, and that he’s “been wrongly portrayed as the sole barrier between sufferers and their access to medical marijuana.”
Read more over at the Minneapolis City Pages.
