Washington state’s appropriately-named Sean Green became the first person allowed to sell recreational marijuana in that state yesterday, as his Kouchlock Productions received their business license.
Of course, now he has to wait until at least June to begin selling anything.
According to Washington law, Green wasn’t allowed to begin planting his crops until he received his license and – unlike Colorado that allowed a rollover of existing medical cannabis – Washington recreational shops are starting from scratch.
Green’s license allows him to grow up to 21,000 square feet of medical marijuana. He says he’ll start out with 1,200 feet of space and see how things expand. He also currently operates medical cannabis dispensaries in Spokane and Seattle, which he says he’ll continue to run.
In all, the state has seen more than 2,200 applications to run one of 334 allowable pot shops in the state. The state has broken down the number of dispensaries allowed in each region of the state depending on population. Some areas will have little competition; others will be vying for one or two possible licenses.