The story of Richard Kirk allegedly killing his wife after eating a pot cookie has spread like wildfire. But what news reports aren’t telling you (or are burying at the bottom of their stories) is that the guy was also potentially on prescription painkiller drugs. But apparently people will still believe that marijuana is somehow more dangerous than prescription painkillers.
Even the detective that interviewed Kirk said that he seemed to be “under the influence of some type of controlled substance and/or prescription pill based upon his speech patterns, his inability to focus and his pupils.” Apparently that detective wasn’t in on the fix yet. That, or he didn’t think marijuana was at the root of this and didn’t mention it in his report.
No, this guy did not kill his wife because he at a pot edible. According to the report he had consumed a 60 milligram edible. While that it certainly enough to catch a buzz, it is not an explanation for the violent, psychotic hallucinations this guy was having.
As we pointed out earlier this week, the police are making a big deal out of the non-role cannabis played in this situation and not so much of a big out of the fact that it took them fifteen minutes to respond to a call that was 1.1 miles away from the nearest police station. That’s a four-minute drive in traffic.
Denver Police Chief Robert white said the response time wasn’t what he would hope for. “I would like response times to be 30 seconds,” he told reporters this week. Granted, 30 seconds is a lot to ask – but they could have been there in three minutes if they had perceived the threat this woman was clearly trying to convey.
Police found a receipt for a an edible and a joint from a Denver recreational pot shop. They then got video from the dispensary to verify the transaction (Editor’s note: we question why the dispensary would need to give that information up).
The story has made it to the national spin doctors, including famous blowhard know-nothing Nancy Grace, who tweeted “Daddy allegedly snacks on marijuana and kills his wife! Is #PotToBlame”, “How many people must die before this stops?! #PotToBlame?” and “If pot makes you mellow and laid back, why does this guy allegedly turn berserk and gun down his wife? #PotToBlame”.
Because he had some serious mental issues, Nancy. You should know what that’s like. Thankfully comedian, actor and marijuana supporter Seth Rogan called her a “fucking dumbass” and caught her attention.
The other story out of Denver making headlines is the death of an African college student who jumped off of a balcony at a hotel after eating an edible cookie that was about six servings – but no more than 100 milligrams of THC as per Colorado recreational cannabis laws.
Levy Thamba allegedly ate one whole cookie then apparently went to bed, woke up the next morning feeling sick and speaking only in French several times until he woke up and said that the sick feeling was a “sign from god” and that “this is not because of the weed.” . We take that to mean he was implying that he was beside himself with guilt for not controlling his urges to get stoned with friends with a cookie and that his miserable night being high was proof of it.
He then went nuts, smashed up the room and fell or jumped over a railing to the lobby four floors below. Even the Denver Post – which now has a dedicated section to reporting on cannabis – has jumped on the bandwagon, running a headline that says the man ate six times the recommended dose.
The case made international news after the Denver coroner questionably listed “marijuana intoxication” as a significant contributing factor to Thamba’s death. His blood-THC at the time of his death was 7.2 nanograms. Colorado lawmakers set an arbitrary THC driving limit of 5 nanograms per milliliter of blood, which isn’t really a viable limit but since has been held up as the gospel. But even by those standards he was only 2.2 nanograms over what the state deems to be “impaired” and likely far less than he was experiencing at the peak of his high.
Clearly this kid was struggling with some mental and religious issues as well if he took the expected high he got from a cookie as a sign from God that he needed to be punished.
But again, marijuana is a much easier scapegoat.
The incidents will likely give the final push to a bill that will restrict the sales of concentrated forms of cannabis – including edibles – at recreational pot stores.