Florida medical marijuana activist questioned by Child Protective Services on anonymous tip


A Florida woman was abruptly visited by Florida Child Protective Services last week on an anonymous tip that she had been administering marijuana to her son, who suffers from a rare form of epilepsy.
Turns out, Renee Petro was not administering any marijuana to her 12-year-old son, Branden. Petro has, however, been an outspoken advocate for medical marijuana. The real crime, it would seem, was the intrusion of CPS agents arriving at her home to interrogate her 9-year-old daughter and the nurse who takes care of Branden.

Petro gives Branden prescribed medications as well as hemp oil, which is legal.
The incident with CPS echoes the time Florida Cannabis Action Network president Cathy Jordan had her home raided by police after a tip.
On February 25 of last year, authorities arrived at Jordan’s home after a government employee who was visiting a neighbor spotted some marijuana plants on her and her husband Robert’s property.
Jordan is wheelchair-bound and has had Lou Gehrig’s disease since 1986. She uses marijuana as treatment. Jordan’s charges were dropped by the State Attorney’s office in Manatee County in April.
But Petro’s experience would seem to be more egregious. Petro says she has given her son no marijuana, although she would if it was legal. Petro has been a vocal advocate for medical marijuana and has been a part of rallies put together by parents dealing with similar struggles.
Broward-Palm Beach New Times has the full story.
